Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2023 Notice No. 86

Publication Date
21 Dec 2023


Marriage Act Lists of marriage celebrants Internal Affairs

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the provisions of section 11 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:

Ah Ken, Frances

Brown, Jaycob

Browning, Matt

Clark, Mike

Clarke, Selina

Clifford, Liberty

Crean, Bede

Dantanarayana, Praneeth

Edgecombe, Carmen

Ellis, Robbie

Fryer, Johnelle

George, Zoë

Greenwood, Lynette

Hanlon, Belinda

Hillman, Harold

Hotene, Brenda

Hulburt, Paula

Jarosch, Marie

Kirkham, Georgia

McCarthy, Michelle

Milson, Jenny

Mulder, Marcus

Orejana, Julian

Price, Amanda

Richards, Joanna

Rivers, Amy

Skilton, Emmett

Svensen, Nick

Taylor Cassels, Emily

Van Der Klei, Jordan

Voice, Phoebe

Werder, Tara

Dated at Wellington this 21st day of December 2023.

RUSSELL BURNARD, Registrar-General.