Notice Title

Consent to the Distribution of New Medicines

Publication Date
22 Jun 2023


Medicines Act Consent to the distribution of new medicines Health

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 20 of the Medicines Act 1981, the Minister of Health hereby consents to the distribution in New Zealand of the new medicines set out in the Schedule hereto:


Product: Calamine Cream Aqueous
Active Ingredients: Calamine 40mg/g
Zinc oxide 30mg/g
Dosage Form: Topical cream
New Zealand Sponsor: Jaychem Industries Limited
Manufacturer: Jaychem Industries Limited, Auckland, New Zealand
Product: Eltroxin
Active Ingredient: Levothyroxine sodium pentahydrate 27.8mcg equivalent to levothyroxine sodium 25mcg
Dosage Form: Tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) Limited t/a Healthcare Logistics
Manufacturer: Aspen Bad Oldesloe GmbH, Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Product: Eltroxin
Active Ingredient: Levothyroxine sodium pentahydrate 83.34mcg equivalent to levothyroxine sodium 75mcg
Dosage Form: Tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) Limited t/a Healthcare Logistics
Manufacturer: Aspen Bad Oldesloe GmbH, Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Product: Eltroxin
Active Ingredient: Levothyroxine sodium pentahydrate 139.1mcg equivalent to levothyroxine sodium 125mcg
Dosage Form: Tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) Limited t/a Healthcare Logistics
Manufacturer: Aspen Bad Oldesloe GmbH, Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Product: Eltroxin
Active Ingredient: Levothyroxine sodium pentahydrate 222.5mcg equivalent to levothyroxine sodium 200mcg
Dosage Form: Tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) Limited t/a Healthcare Logistics
Manufacturer: Aspen Bad Oldesloe GmbH, Bad Oldesloe, Germany
Product: Hand Sanitiser Gel
Active Ingredient: Ethanol 72%v/v
Dosage Form: Topical gel
New Zealand Sponsor: Jaychem Industries Limited
Manufacturer: Jaychem Industries Limited, Auckland, New Zealand
Product: Pazopanib
Active Ingredient: Pazopanib hydrochloride 216.7mg equivalent to pazopanib 200mg
Dosage Form: Film coated tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Teva Pharma (New Zealand) Limited
Manufacturers: Remedica Limited, Limassol, Cyprus
PharOS MT Limited., Birzebbugia, Malta
Product: Pazopanib
Active Ingredient: Pazopanib hydrochloride 433.4mg equivalent to pazopanib 400mg
Dosage Form: Film coated tablet
New Zealand Sponsor: Teva Pharma (New Zealand) Limited
Manufacturers: Remedica Limited, Limassol, Cyprus
PharOS MT Limited., Birzebbugia, Malta
Product: Vizo-PF Bimatotim 0.3/5
Active Ingredients: Bimatoprost 0.3mg/mL
Timolol maleate 6.83mg/mL equivalent to timolol 5mg/mL
Dosage Form: Eye drops, solution
New Zealand Sponsor: AFT Pharmaceuticals Limited
Manufacturer: Excelvision, Annonay, France

Dated this 19th day of June 2023.

CHRIS JAMES, Group Manager, Medsafe, Ministry of Health (pursuant to delegation given by the Minister of Health on 11 September 2013).