2023 General Election Results of the Official Count
I, Karl Le Quesne, Chief Electoral Officer and Electoral Commissioner, declare the result of the polls taken on 14 October 2023 for the election of members of Parliament for the following electoral districts to be as follows:
Candidates | Votes Received |
COKER, Christopher | 365 |
DAVIE, Paul | 91 |
KANE, Madeleine | 135 |
LIU, Andi Shen | 110 |
MURALIDHAR, Mahesh | 12728 |
POOLE, Felix | 1251 |
SIMS, Oscar | 2592 |
SLOCUM, Guy Dennis | 89 |
SWARBRICK, Chlöe | 16624 |
SYCAMORE, Damian | 462 |
Total number of valid votes | 34447 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 299 |
I therefore declare CHLÖE CHARLOTTE SWARBRICK to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3301 |
Animal Justice Party | 50 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 142 |
DemocracyNZ | 32 |
Freedoms NZ | 48 |
Green Party | 8503 |
Labour Party | 8028 |
Leighton Baker Party | 3 |
National Party | 11751 |
New Conservatives | 30 |
New Nation Party | 26 |
New Zealand First Party | 1351 |
New Zealand Loyal | 217 |
NewZeal | 38 |
Te Pāti Māori | 563 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1250 |
Women’s Rights Party | 45 |
Total number of valid votes | 35378 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 85 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ALLINGTON, Doug | 474 |
JEET, Paran | 369 |
KERSLAKE, Lindsay | 1598 |
McLELLAN, Tracey | 17464 |
MEAD, Lisa Marie | 544 |
PHAM, Lan | 8325 |
TRASK, Laura | 2073 |
WAKEMAN, Peter Keith | 184 |
WEENINK, Vanessa | 17860 |
Total number of valid votes | 48891 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 440 |
I therefore declare VANESSA WEENINK to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3919 |
Animal Justice Party | 111 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 182 |
DemocracyNZ | 146 |
Freedoms NZ | 61 |
Green Party | 9763 |
Labour Party | 13200 |
Leighton Baker Party | 53 |
National Party | 15839 |
New Conservatives | 62 |
New Nation Party | 22 |
New Zealand First Party | 2658 |
New Zealand Loyal | 389 |
NewZeal | 323 |
Te Pāti Māori | 388 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 2401 |
Women’s Rights Party | 42 |
Total number of valid votes | 49559 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 194 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
GILLESPIE, Wendy | 524 |
GRATTAN, Caitlin | 375 |
LUXTON, Cameron | 4202 |
MACMILLAN, Matthew | 4036 |
MURFITT, Kirsten | 4025 |
RUTHERFORD, Tom | 23303 |
TAIKATO, Pare | 7898 |
WAHED, Taupo | 204 |
Total number of valid votes | 44567 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 560 |
I therefore declare TOM RUTHERFORD to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5212 |
Animal Justice Party | 88 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 193 |
DemocracyNZ | 79 |
Freedoms NZ | 140 |
Green Party | 3635 |
Labour Party | 7905 |
Leighton Baker Party | 58 |
National Party | 21452 |
New Conservatives | 56 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 3957 |
New Zealand Loyal | 714 |
NewZeal | 444 |
Te Pāti Māori | 577 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 894 |
Women’s Rights Party | 24 |
Total number of valid votes | 45452 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 209 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ARMSTRONG, John | 624 |
BURNS, Bo | 1959 |
DE BOER, Dieuwe | 300 |
LUXON, Christopher | 24769 |
McNEIL, Robert | 428 |
SINGH, Kharag | 8432 |
Total number of valid votes | 36512 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 692 |
I therefore declare CHRISTOPHER LUXON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2788 |
Animal Justice Party | 98 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 106 |
DemocracyNZ | 29 |
Freedoms NZ | 127 |
Green Party | 2212 |
Labour Party | 7708 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 22239 |
New Conservatives | 86 |
New Nation Party | 37 |
New Zealand First Party | 1136 |
New Zealand Loyal | 280 |
NewZeal | 156 |
Te Pāti Māori | 188 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 439 |
Women’s Rights Party | 27 |
Total number of valid votes | 37668 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 189 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ARNEIL, Mark | 1563 |
BRITNELL, Michael | 680 |
CARTER, Kahurangi | 5441 |
FISKEN, Matthew Hunter | 1395 |
JACKSON, Sarah | 376 |
STEPHENS, Dale Aotea | 13641 |
WEBB, Duncan | 15622 |
Total number of valid votes | 38718 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 474 |
I therefore declare DUNCAN WEBB to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2646 |
Animal Justice Party | 106 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 174 |
DemocracyNZ | 82 |
Freedoms NZ | 71 |
Green Party | 7746 |
Labour Party | 11357 |
Leighton Baker Party | 51 |
National Party | 12403 |
New Conservatives | 78 |
New Nation Party | 36 |
New Zealand First Party | 2073 |
New Zealand Loyal | 253 |
NewZeal | 108 |
Te Pāti Māori | 405 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 2042 |
Women’s Rights Party | 59 |
Total number of valid votes | 39690 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 166 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
AHMED, Sahra | 4594 |
DAVIDSON, Reuben | 15163 |
HOUGHTON, Helen | 615 |
LAMBERT, Paula | 901 |
PARK, Sam | 234 |
SEVERIN, Toni | 1679 |
STOCK, Matt | 12766 |
WERETA, Danette | 353 |
WIREMU, Shane | 2030 |
Total number of valid votes | 38335 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 470 |
I therefore declare REUBEN JOHN DAVIDSON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2786 |
Animal Justice Party | 114 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 223 |
DemocracyNZ | 106 |
Freedoms NZ | 114 |
Green Party | 5675 |
Labour Party | 13418 |
Leighton Baker Party | 118 |
National Party | 11208 |
New Conservatives | 175 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 2676 |
New Zealand Loyal | 402 |
NewZeal | 205 |
Te Pāti Māori | 415 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1339 |
Women’s Rights Party | 46 |
Total number of valid votes | 39044 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 203 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANSELL, Caleb | 3145 |
COBB, Ray | 2315 |
GREALEY, Pamela | 4942 |
RILEY, Beryl | 7900 |
SIMPSON, Scott | 24914 |
TEPOU, Sarai | 273 |
VERBURG, Joanna | 2725 |
Total number of valid votes | 46214 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 516 |
I therefore declare SCOTT SIMPSON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5588 |
Animal Justice Party | 51 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 185 |
DemocracyNZ | 99 |
Freedoms NZ | 126 |
Green Party | 3672 |
Labour Party | 9223 |
Leighton Baker Party | 32 |
National Party | 20206 |
New Conservatives | 43 |
New Nation Party | 19 |
New Zealand First Party | 4895 |
New Zealand Loyal | 1580 |
NewZeal | 270 |
Te Pāti Māori | 362 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 509 |
Women’s Rights Party | 32 |
Total number of valid votes | 46892 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 284 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BROOKING, Rachel | 17111 |
ELDER, Cyndee | 160 |
HERNANDEZ, Francisco | 8031 |
LANGEVELD, Keegan | 1304 |
LAWTON, Steve | 540 |
McDERMOTT, Adrian | 564 |
NEWMAN, Tim | 1696 |
O'MALLEY, Jim | 1272 |
PETERS, Ben | 1891 |
TAYLOR, Pamela | 60 |
WOODHOUSE, Michael | 9131 |
Total number of valid votes | 41760 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 368 |
I therefore declare RACHEL BROOKING to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2460 |
Animal Justice Party | 57 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 159 |
DemocracyNZ | 25 |
Freedoms NZ | 44 |
Green Party | 11449 |
Labour Party | 13160 |
Leighton Baker Party | 19 |
National Party | 9652 |
New Conservatives | 94 |
New Nation Party | 18 |
New Zealand First Party | 2396 |
New Zealand Loyal | 402 |
NewZeal | 114 |
Te Pāti Māori | 613 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1810 |
Women’s Rights Party | 35 |
Total number of valid votes | 42507 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 129 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CARACAS, Monaco | 68 |
COFFEY, Tamati | 13597 |
DICKSON, Gordon John | 63 |
FLAVELL, Fallyn | 1226 |
HOWE, Michael | 1892 |
KIRKPATRICK, Dana | 16714 |
PACKER, Leighton | 315 |
RICHARDS, Don | 103 |
ROBINSON, Chris | 615 |
SINCLAIR, Craig | 2482 |
WALKER, Jordan | 1751 |
Total number of valid votes | 38826 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 504 |
I therefore declare DANA MARGOT KIRKPATRICK to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3540 |
Animal Justice Party | 43 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 162 |
DemocracyNZ | 196 |
Freedoms NZ | 172 |
Green Party | 2961 |
Labour Party | 11905 |
Leighton Baker Party | 28 |
National Party | 14649 |
New Conservatives | 55 |
New Nation Party | 20 |
New Zealand First Party | 3842 |
New Zealand Loyal | 538 |
NewZeal | 240 |
Te Pāti Māori | 909 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 454 |
Women’s Rights Party | 23 |
Total number of valid votes | 39737 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 261 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ADAMS, Paul | 890 |
CHEN, Naisi | 7334 |
DYET, Bill | 710 |
McCOOK, Michael | 1584 |
STANFORD, Erica | 27687 |
Total number of valid votes | 38205 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 505 |
I therefore declare ERICA STANFORD to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3774 |
Animal Justice Party | 62 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 105 |
DemocracyNZ | 34 |
Freedoms NZ | 51 |
Green Party | 3462 |
Labour Party | 5716 |
Leighton Baker Party | 7 |
National Party | 22508 |
New Conservatives | 58 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 1532 |
New Zealand Loyal | 386 |
NewZeal | 409 |
Te Pāti Māori | 137 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 646 |
Women’s Rights Party | 32 |
Total number of valid votes | 38943 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 136 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BELICH, Camilla | 6189 |
GOLDSMITH, Paul | 9684 |
ROTHERAY, Anna | 164 |
SEYMOUR, David Breen | 17826 |
SU, Nina | 1803 |
UNKOVICH, Tanya Marie | 573 |
XU-NAN, Lawrence Xi | 3537 |
Total number of valid votes | 39776 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 339 |
I therefore declare DAVID BREEN SEYMOUR to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5041 |
Animal Justice Party | 46 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 66 |
DemocracyNZ | 16 |
Freedoms NZ | 34 |
Green Party | 5507 |
Labour Party | 5945 |
Leighton Baker Party | 2 |
National Party | 20948 |
New Conservatives | 28 |
New Nation Party | 5 |
New Zealand First Party | 1059 |
New Zealand Loyal | 123 |
NewZeal | 76 |
Te Pāti Māori | 299 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1307 |
Women’s Rights Party | 26 |
Total number of valid votes | 40528 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 109 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BAN, Tanya | 517 |
CARRINGTON, Lily | 321 |
CORKIN, Alex | 1195 |
COUPER, Nathan Lee | 27 |
DANSEY, Georgie | 12890 |
GIELEN, Jacobus | 40 |
HAMILTON, Ryan | 17950 |
KNAAP, Russelle | 1206 |
PARKER, Awatea | 1227 |
PARMAR, Himanshu | 1679 |
Total number of valid votes | 37052 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 509 |
I therefore declare RYAN ALEXANDER HAMILTON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3085 |
Animal Justice Party | 69 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 110 |
DemocracyNZ | 39 |
Freedoms NZ | 80 |
Green Party | 4718 |
Labour Party | 9497 |
Leighton Baker Party | 25 |
National Party | 16373 |
New Conservatives | 91 |
New Nation Party | 19 |
New Zealand First Party | 1914 |
New Zealand Loyal | 341 |
NewZeal | 204 |
Te Pāti Māori | 565 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1040 |
Women’s Rights Party | 40 |
Total number of valid votes | 38210 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 173 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DOYLE, Benjamin | 3230 |
DU PLOOY, Rudi | 323 |
POCOCK, Naomi | 1048 |
POTAKA, Tama William | 17595 |
STEVENSON, Susan | 2216 |
STONE, Kevin | 1737 |
WILLIAMSON, Myra | 11107 |
WILSON, Melanie | 326 |
Total number of valid votes | 37582 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 634 |
I therefore declare TAMA WILLIAM POTAKA to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3398 |
Animal Justice Party | 94 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 169 |
DemocracyNZ | 55 |
Freedoms NZ | 141 |
Green Party | 3863 |
Labour Party | 10242 |
Leighton Baker Party | 17 |
National Party | 16026 |
New Conservatives | 97 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 2410 |
New Zealand Loyal | 322 |
NewZeal | 163 |
Te Pāti Māori | 711 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 967 |
Women’s Rights Party | 37 |
Total number of valid votes | 38736 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 176 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANDERSEN, Ginny | 17812 |
BISHOP, Chris | 19144 |
BLAKE, Jordan | 403 |
DONOGHUE, Lee | 1228 |
JENNINGS, Neelu | 2492 |
PARKINS, Andy | 556 |
RANGITUTIA, Max | 171 |
WYLIE-VAN EERD, Ben | 980 |
Total number of valid votes | 42786 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 361 |
I therefore declare CHRISTOPHER BISHOP to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2493 |
Animal Justice Party | 77 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 147 |
DemocracyNZ | 53 |
Freedoms NZ | 99 |
Green Party | 6727 |
Labour Party | 14087 |
Leighton Baker Party | 21 |
National Party | 14772 |
New Conservatives | 50 |
New Nation Party | 2 |
New Zealand First Party | 2257 |
New Zealand Loyal | 324 |
NewZeal | 215 |
Te Pāti Māori | 581 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1448 |
Women’s Rights Party | 32 |
Total number of valid votes | 43385 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 191 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BRITNELL, Irinka | 488 |
CAMPBELL, Hamish | 18693 |
DAVIDSON, Mike | 2391 |
MANJI, Raf | 10863 |
O'BRIEN, Chris | 300 |
O'CONNELL, Juanita | 329 |
PALLETT, Sarah | 9010 |
Total number of valid votes | 42074 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 402 |
I therefore declare HAMISH GEORGE CAMPBELL to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3557 |
Animal Justice Party | 50 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 179 |
DemocracyNZ | 101 |
Freedoms NZ | 55 |
Green Party | 6401 |
Labour Party | 9395 |
Leighton Baker Party | 44 |
National Party | 18452 |
New Conservatives | 96 |
New Nation Party | 23 |
New Zealand First Party | 1729 |
New Zealand Loyal | 150 |
NewZeal | 85 |
Te Pāti Māori | 265 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 2138 |
Women’s Rights Party | 47 |
Total number of valid votes | 42767 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 136 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CRAIG, Liz | 10945 |
DONALDSON, Scott Ian | 1990 |
KOWALEWSKI, David | 1760 |
O’CONNELL, Kevin Patrick | 1072 |
SIMMONDS, Penny | 20819 |
TERRILL, Judith | 307 |
Total number of valid votes | 36893 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 540 |
I therefore declare PENELOPE ELSIE SIMMONDS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3967 |
Animal Justice Party | 68 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 235 |
DemocracyNZ | 48 |
Freedoms NZ | 137 |
Green Party | 2332 |
Labour Party | 9589 |
Leighton Baker Party | 32 |
National Party | 16027 |
New Conservatives | 54 |
New Nation Party | 29 |
New Zealand First Party | 2778 |
New Zealand Loyal | 1099 |
NewZeal | 212 |
Te Pāti Māori | 278 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 482 |
Women’s Rights Party | 38 |
Total number of valid votes | 37405 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 315 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ARBUCKLE, Jamie Arthur | 4347 |
BROWN, Shaun | 43 |
CAMPBELL, Sandra | 509 |
COLELLO, Natalie | 921 |
DEWHIRST, Emma | 9329 |
GREENSLADE, David | 237 |
GRIFFITHS, Keith | 2624 |
HOWARD, Ted | 109 |
McCASKEY, John | 139 |
McCUBBIN, Richard | 2512 |
SMITH, Stuart | 20741 |
Total number of valid votes | 41511 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 418 |
I therefore declare STUART TAYLER SMITH to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5911 |
Animal Justice Party | 73 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 176 |
DemocracyNZ | 269 |
Freedoms NZ | 97 |
Green Party | 3282 |
Labour Party | 8714 |
Leighton Baker Party | 98 |
National Party | 17281 |
New Conservatives | 111 |
New Nation Party | 43 |
New Zealand First Party | 3819 |
New Zealand Loyal | 850 |
NewZeal | 261 |
Te Pāti Māori | 215 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 703 |
Women’s Rights Party | 36 |
Total number of valid votes | 41939 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 282 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BAILEY, Brent | 2970 |
BREWER, Sarah | 1292 |
BROWN, Zephyr | 4739 |
MARCROFT, Jenny | 2531 |
PENK, Chris | 28281 |
WISHART, Guy | 8822 |
Total number of valid votes | 48635 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 460 |
I therefore declare CHRISTOPHER AIDAN PENK to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 6011 |
Animal Justice Party | 113 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 186 |
DemocracyNZ | 300 |
Freedoms NZ | 126 |
Green Party | 4767 |
Labour Party | 8450 |
Leighton Baker Party | 24 |
National Party | 23725 |
New Conservatives | 75 |
New Nation Party | 31 |
New Zealand First Party | 3311 |
New Zealand Loyal | 874 |
NewZeal | 365 |
Te Pāti Māori | 338 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 914 |
Women’s Rights Party | 44 |
Total number of valid votes | 49654 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 148 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CURRAN, Jacob | 1774 |
DEGIA-PALA, Anne | 1142 |
GHAHRAMAN, Golriz | 3777 |
HAREMA, Jacqui | 679 |
HOOD, Alister | 219 |
SCHAUMKEL, Ruby | 10017 |
SEPULONI, Carmel | 14413 |
TILDSLEY, Leao | 416 |
Total number of valid votes | 32437 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 533 |
I therefore declare CARMEL JEAN SEPULONI to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 1990 |
Animal Justice Party | 56 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 125 |
DemocracyNZ | 97 |
Freedoms NZ | 93 |
Green Party | 4709 |
Labour Party | 12460 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 10442 |
New Conservatives | 70 |
New Nation Party | 12 |
New Zealand First Party | 1580 |
New Zealand Loyal | 238 |
NewZeal | 267 |
Te Pāti Māori | 591 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 650 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 33422 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 208 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BHARGAVA, Kush | 188 |
BROWN, Lily | 1195 |
DAO-MCLAY, Gina | 4200 |
EDMONDS, Barbara | 20197 |
FOSTER, Andy | 1849 |
GOODE, Richard | 105 |
HUGHES, Frances | 12825 |
TEMPERTON, Lisa | 586 |
Total number of valid votes | 41145 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 446 |
I therefore declare BARBARA RACHAEL FATI PALEPA EDMONDS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2250 |
Animal Justice Party | 86 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 161 |
DemocracyNZ | 52 |
Freedoms NZ | 110 |
Green Party | 6297 |
Labour Party | 16016 |
Leighton Baker Party | 13 |
National Party | 12084 |
New Conservatives | 46 |
New Nation Party | 17 |
New Zealand First Party | 2215 |
New Zealand Loyal | 300 |
NewZeal | 275 |
Te Pāti Māori | 792 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1158 |
Women’s Rights Party | 46 |
Total number of valid votes | 41918 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 173 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ALAILIMA, Fuiavailili | 535 |
BOURKE, Rosemary | 5585 |
JOSEPH, Pothen | 670 |
PAO STANLEY, Brooke | 502 |
PETERS, Hilda | 934 |
SOSENE, Lemauga Lydia | 17285 |
SYKES, Peter | 2712 |
Total number of valid votes | 28223 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 793 |
I therefore declare LEMAUGA LYDIA SOSENE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 624 |
Animal Justice Party | 41 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 120 |
DemocracyNZ | 17 |
Freedoms NZ | 266 |
Green Party | 2306 |
Labour Party | 18042 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 5656 |
New Conservatives | 54 |
New Nation Party | 11 |
New Zealand First Party | 973 |
New Zealand Loyal | 94 |
NewZeal | 244 |
Te Pāti Māori | 628 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 272 |
Women’s Rights Party | 26 |
Total number of valid votes | 29386 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 327 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
KILARI, Siva | 9148 |
MCLEAN, Rangi | 1604 |
WARREN, Caine | 991 |
WILLIAMS, Arena | 16261 |
Total number of valid votes | 28004 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 1058 |
I therefore declare ARENA WILLIAMS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 806 |
Animal Justice Party | 48 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 136 |
DemocracyNZ | 18 |
Freedoms NZ | 362 |
Green Party | 1777 |
Labour Party | 15623 |
Leighton Baker Party | 14 |
National Party | 8808 |
New Conservatives | 56 |
New Nation Party | 39 |
New Zealand First Party | 1037 |
New Zealand Loyal | 137 |
NewZeal | 233 |
Te Pāti Māori | 632 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 179 |
Women’s Rights Party | 39 |
Total number of valid votes | 29944 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 369 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BRIDGE, Phillip | 249 |
CHUAH, Eric | 136 |
FLEMING, Greg | 16952 |
HOGG, Andrew | 920 |
ONISHCHENKO, Margo | 1291 |
RADHAKRISHNAN, Priyanca | 12335 |
SAMANT, Sapna | 3138 |
Total number of valid votes | 35021 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 514 |
I therefore declare GREGORY WRAY FLEMING to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2863 |
Animal Justice Party | 51 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 111 |
DemocracyNZ | 25 |
Freedoms NZ | 89 |
Green Party | 4964 |
Labour Party | 9801 |
Leighton Baker Party | 5 |
National Party | 14935 |
New Conservatives | 45 |
New Nation Party | 7 |
New Zealand First Party | 1379 |
New Zealand Loyal | 157 |
NewZeal | 142 |
Te Pāti Māori | 336 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 952 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 35892 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 149 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
LEE, Melissa | 13218 |
MENENDEZ MARCH, Ricardo | 9302 |
MURPHY, Ollie | 1483 |
NAUFAHU, Tesi | 155 |
SWORDS, Ciara | 1319 |
VAN DEN HEUVEL, Anthony Joseph J | 103 |
WHITE, Helen | 13238 |
Total number of valid votes | 38818 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 429 |
I therefore declare HELEN WHITE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2681 |
Animal Justice Party | 51 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 115 |
DemocracyNZ | 21 |
Freedoms NZ | 60 |
Green Party | 10030 |
Labour Party | 10336 |
Leighton Baker Party | 6 |
National Party | 12705 |
New Conservatives | 30 |
New Nation Party | 9 |
New Zealand First Party | 1220 |
New Zealand Loyal | 146 |
NewZeal | 83 |
Te Pāti Māori | 640 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1474 |
Women’s Rights Party | 39 |
Total number of valid votes | 39646 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 121 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CHEUNG, Carlos | 15659 |
CHOPRA, Rahul | 2179 |
SANIS WALGAMPOLA, Suveen | 3379 |
WOOD, Michael Philip | 14094 |
Total number of valid votes | 35311 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 856 |
I therefore declare CHUN HO CARLOS CHEUNG to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2227 |
Animal Justice Party | 49 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 97 |
DemocracyNZ | 20 |
Freedoms NZ | 93 |
Green Party | 4422 |
Labour Party | 10958 |
Leighton Baker Party | 4 |
National Party | 15828 |
New Conservatives | 67 |
New Nation Party | 9 |
New Zealand First Party | 1294 |
New Zealand Loyal | 131 |
NewZeal | 196 |
Te Pāti Māori | 289 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 765 |
Women’s Rights Party | 24 |
Total number of valid votes | 36473 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 256 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DICKEY, Julienne | 2190 |
HUTCHINSON, Mark | 12474 |
LANGFORD, Martin | 765 |
MILEWSKI, Pawel | 1211 |
NIMON, Katie | 21344 |
SMITH, John Clive | 258 |
TURNBULL, Laurie | 1729 |
Total number of valid votes | 39971 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 429 |
I therefore declare KATRINA MARGARET NIMON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4503 |
Animal Justice Party | 69 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 199 |
DemocracyNZ | 205 |
Freedoms NZ | 79 |
Green Party | 3476 |
Labour Party | 10810 |
Leighton Baker Party | 26 |
National Party | 16670 |
New Conservatives | 44 |
New Nation Party | 18 |
New Zealand First Party | 2794 |
New Zealand Loyal | 514 |
NewZeal | 215 |
Te Pāti Māori | 380 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 621 |
Women’s Rights Party | 36 |
Total number of valid votes | 40659 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 240 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BAILLIE, Chris | 2693 |
BOYACK, Rachel Elizabeth | 17533 |
CAMERON, Blair | 17504 |
DYER, Bruce | 167 |
HOBBS, Jace | 2786 |
VAUGHAN, Peter | 1314 |
Total number of valid votes | 41997 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 673 |
I therefore declare RACHEL ELIZABETH BOYACK-MAYER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4428 |
Animal Justice Party | 75 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 187 |
DemocracyNZ | 100 |
Freedoms NZ | 263 |
Green Party | 6154 |
Labour Party | 12520 |
Leighton Baker Party | 31 |
National Party | 13856 |
New Conservatives | 82 |
New Nation Party | 15 |
New Zealand First Party | 2612 |
New Zealand Loyal | 642 |
NewZeal | 290 |
Te Pāti Māori | 343 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1058 |
Women’s Rights Party | 50 |
Total number of valid votes | 42706 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 254 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ABEL, Steve | 5376 |
ALVAREZ DE LUGO, Juan | 2301 |
GARCIA, Paulo | 15886 |
MANN, Phineas | 216 |
OLIVER, Steve | 1148 |
RUSSELL, Deborah | 14873 |
Total number of valid votes | 39800 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 707 |
I therefore declare PAULO REYES GARCIA to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3183 |
Animal Justice Party | 69 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 152 |
DemocracyNZ | 72 |
Freedoms NZ | 104 |
Green Party | 6859 |
Labour Party | 11020 |
Leighton Baker Party | 7 |
National Party | 15287 |
New Conservatives | 60 |
New Nation Party | 15 |
New Zealand First Party | 2020 |
New Zealand Loyal | 454 |
NewZeal | 221 |
Te Pāti Māori | 502 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 903 |
Women’s Rights Party | 40 |
Total number of valid votes | 40968 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 230 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BENNETT, Glen | 15492 |
McGECHAN, Bruce | 1957 |
MACLEOD, David | 22483 |
ROBINSON, Greg | 252 |
WATKINS, Hamish | 562 |
WILLETTS, Warren | 1738 |
Total number of valid votes | 42484 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 499 |
I therefore declare DAVID NIGEL MACLEOD to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4388 |
Animal Justice Party | 88 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 202 |
DemocracyNZ | 54 |
Freedoms NZ | 149 |
Green Party | 3674 |
Labour Party | 10442 |
Leighton Baker Party | 24 |
National Party | 18208 |
New Conservatives | 54 |
New Nation Party | 117 |
New Zealand First Party | 3134 |
New Zealand Loyal | 942 |
NewZeal | 180 |
Te Pāti Māori | 617 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 848 |
Women’s Rights Party | 51 |
Total number of valid votes | 43172 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 163 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BASKETT, Pat | 3663 |
GRAY, Abe | 1229 |
HAMPTON, George | 8562 |
WATTS, Simon | 24892 |
YALLOP, Anna | 2061 |
Total number of valid votes | 40407 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 559 |
I therefore declare SIMON GLEN WATTS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4540 |
Animal Justice Party | 48 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 111 |
DemocracyNZ | 35 |
Freedoms NZ | 53 |
Green Party | 4851 |
Labour Party | 7318 |
Leighton Baker Party | 7 |
National Party | 21050 |
New Conservatives | 53 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 1604 |
New Zealand Loyal | 209 |
NewZeal | 133 |
Te Pāti Māori | 207 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1055 |
Women’s Rights Party | 42 |
Total number of valid votes | 41340 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 100 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BIDOIS, Dan | 20807 |
DONALDSON, Mark | 186 |
FOLEY, Leo George | 962 |
HALBERT, Shanan | 11537 |
SHAW, Andrew | 3341 |
WARREN, Michelle | 1048 |
Total number of valid votes | 37881 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 426 |
I therefore declare DANIEL MICHAEL BIDOIS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3381 |
Animal Justice Party | 81 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 118 |
DemocracyNZ | 38 |
Freedoms NZ | 103 |
Green Party | 5548 |
Labour Party | 9014 |
Leighton Baker Party | 8 |
National Party | 17313 |
New Conservatives | 54 |
New Nation Party | 14 |
New Zealand First Party | 1641 |
New Zealand Loyal | 216 |
NewZeal | 139 |
Te Pāti Māori | 295 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1208 |
Women’s Rights Party | 38 |
Total number of valid votes | 38871 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 182 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CAMERON, Mark | 2135 |
FEYEN, Michael | 1331 |
FINLAYSON, Mike | 369 |
JONES, Shane Geoffrey | 8143 |
KING, Matt | 3812 |
LYE, Jeffrey | 677 |
McCALLUM, Grant | 16272 |
PENNEY, Reina Tuai | 2424 |
PRIME, Willow-Jean | 10185 |
Total number of valid votes | 45348 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 326 |
I therefore declare GRANT LEWIS MCCALLUM to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4729 |
Animal Justice Party | 114 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 307 |
DemocracyNZ | 784 |
Freedoms NZ | 208 |
Green Party | 3705 |
Labour Party | 10211 |
Leighton Baker Party | 57 |
National Party | 16418 |
New Conservatives | 64 |
New Nation Party | 64 |
New Zealand First Party | 6523 |
New Zealand Loyal | 1529 |
NewZeal | 280 |
Te Pāti Māori | 716 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 577 |
Women’s Rights Party | 41 |
Total number of valid votes | 46327 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 161 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DAY, Paul | 759 |
HAMMOND, Jessica | 2975 |
JENKINS, Martin | 124 |
LIM, Patrick | 214 |
O’CONNOR, Greg | 17565 |
RODGERS, Stephanie | 4412 |
WILLIS, Nicola | 16305 |
Total number of valid votes | 42354 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 324 |
I therefore declare GREGORY EAMON O'CONNOR to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2524 |
Animal Justice Party | 62 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 114 |
DemocracyNZ | 25 |
Freedoms NZ | 58 |
Green Party | 8623 |
Labour Party | 12457 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 14841 |
New Conservatives | 65 |
New Nation Party | 11 |
New Zealand First Party | 1442 |
New Zealand Loyal | 112 |
NewZeal | 119 |
Te Pāti Māori | 519 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1882 |
Women’s Rights Party | 31 |
Total number of valid votes | 42897 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 121 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
COSTLEY, Tim | 22145 |
MUHAMMAD, Ali | 2946 |
NGOBI, Terisa | 15874 |
RUSH, Sean Edward | 1327 |
TEN-HAVE, Bryan | 1078 |
WESSEX, Bob | 75 |
Total number of valid votes | 43445 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 640 |
I therefore declare TIMOTHY JOHN COSTLEY to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3306 |
Animal Justice Party | 89 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 158 |
DemocracyNZ | 48 |
Freedoms NZ | 137 |
Green Party | 4703 |
Labour Party | 13709 |
Leighton Baker Party | 17 |
National Party | 16520 |
New Conservatives | 52 |
New Nation Party | 20 |
New Zealand First Party | 3437 |
New Zealand Loyal | 637 |
NewZeal | 210 |
Te Pāti Māori | 510 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 692 |
Women’s Rights Party | 34 |
Total number of valid votes | 44279 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 270 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ALCOCK, John | 262 |
BROWN, Simeon | 26105 |
HANCOCK, Nicholas | 471 |
HENRY, Nerissa | 7395 |
PARMAR, Parmjeet | 1298 |
SCOTHERN, Phil | 490 |
Total number of valid votes | 36021 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 544 |
I therefore declare SIMEON PETER BROWN to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3638 |
Animal Justice Party | 96 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 115 |
DemocracyNZ | 30 |
Freedoms NZ | 87 |
Green Party | 2650 |
Labour Party | 6124 |
Leighton Baker Party | 15 |
National Party | 21458 |
New Conservatives | 54 |
New Nation Party | 5 |
New Zealand First Party | 1397 |
New Zealand Loyal | 236 |
NewZeal | 136 |
Te Pāti Māori | 184 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 531 |
Women’s Rights Party | 27 |
Total number of valid votes | 36783 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 136 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BANSAL, Ankit | 12252 |
BEGG, Douglas | 402 |
GRANT, Dean | 1016 |
HARNETT, Mike | 2841 |
TUIONO, Teanau | 3162 |
UTIKERE, Tangi | 15339 |
Total number of valid votes | 35012 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 608 |
I therefore declare TANGI WILLIAM EDWARD UTIKERE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2970 |
Animal Justice Party | 96 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 199 |
DemocracyNZ | 47 |
Freedoms NZ | 77 |
Green Party | 4454 |
Labour Party | 11293 |
Leighton Baker Party | 23 |
National Party | 12195 |
New Conservatives | 61 |
New Nation Party | 17 |
New Zealand First Party | 2242 |
New Zealand Loyal | 437 |
NewZeal | 290 |
Te Pāti Māori | 625 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 821 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 35877 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 201 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
COLLINS, Fa’anānā Efeso | 4312 |
MODKOVA, Antonia | 1238 |
MOKARAKA, Karl | 387 |
RANDHAWA, Navtej | 7388 |
ROBB, James | 235 |
SALESA, Jenny | 15358 |
Total number of valid votes | 28918 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 863 |
I therefore declare JENNIFER SALESA to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 1100 |
Animal Justice Party | 50 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 133 |
DemocracyNZ | 20 |
Freedoms NZ | 222 |
Green Party | 2601 |
Labour Party | 16024 |
Leighton Baker Party | 7 |
National Party | 8074 |
New Conservatives | 37 |
New Nation Party | 13 |
New Zealand First Party | 1001 |
New Zealand Loyal | 124 |
NewZeal | 187 |
Te Pāti Māori | 410 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 369 |
Women’s Rights Party | 33 |
Total number of valid votes | 30405 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 318 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
COLLINS, Judith | 24079 |
HARVEY, Kathy | 443 |
KANONGATA'A, Anahila | 10620 |
KERR, Karin | 428 |
KOUKA, Donna | 636 |
McCORMICK, Mike | 3121 |
MONDS, Robert | 1728 |
Total number of valid votes | 41055 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 666 |
I therefore declare JUDITH ANNE COLLINS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4264 |
Animal Justice Party | 61 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 162 |
DemocracyNZ | 62 |
Freedoms NZ | 210 |
Green Party | 2710 |
Labour Party | 8893 |
Leighton Baker Party | 11 |
National Party | 22042 |
New Conservatives | 55 |
New Nation Party | 19 |
New Zealand First Party | 2238 |
New Zealand Loyal | 418 |
NewZeal | 260 |
Te Pāti Māori | 451 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 542 |
Women’s Rights Party | 33 |
Total number of valid votes | 42431 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 225 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BAYLY, Andrew | 0 |
BRIGHT, Scotty | 0 |
BUCHANAN, Karla | 0 |
COSTELLO, Casey | 0 |
KEEL, Gwendoline | 0 |
RIPPON, Anna Joy | 0 |
SUDHAMALLA, Vijay | 0 |
TURNER, Kim | 0 |
Total number of valid votes | 0 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 0 |
I therefore declare no candidate to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5107 |
Animal Justice Party | 94 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 177 |
DemocracyNZ | 232 |
Freedoms NZ | 150 |
Green Party | 2484 |
Labour Party | 7918 |
Leighton Baker Party | 532 |
National Party | 20757 |
New Conservatives | 82 |
New Nation Party | 107 |
New Zealand First Party | 3075 |
New Zealand Loyal | 546 |
NewZeal | 225 |
Te Pāti Māori | 392 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 492 |
Women’s Rights Party | 29 |
Total number of valid votes | 42399 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 258 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BALLANTYNE, Robert | 2159 |
CLARKSON, Michael | 170 |
GILCHRIST, Barbara | 1784 |
LUXTON, Jo | 11946 |
MEAGER, James | 22792 |
SHEARER, Wayne | 755 |
THOMAS, Karl | 310 |
Van AMERSFOORT, Dolf | 92 |
Total number of valid votes | 40008 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 419 |
I therefore declare JAMES RAWIRI MEAGER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4082 |
Animal Justice Party | 62 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 211 |
DemocracyNZ | 123 |
Freedoms NZ | 68 |
Green Party | 2351 |
Labour Party | 10660 |
Leighton Baker Party | 75 |
National Party | 18167 |
New Conservatives | 148 |
New Nation Party | 55 |
New Zealand First Party | 3010 |
New Zealand Loyal | 586 |
NewZeal | 148 |
Te Pāti Māori | 156 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 522 |
Women’s Rights Party | 37 |
Total number of valid votes | 40461 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 188 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BUTT, Zulfiqar | 9160 |
HOGGARD, Andrew John | 5914 |
LONG, Bernard | 3153 |
REDMAYNE, Suze | 18945 |
VERMEULEN, Helma | 3167 |
Total number of valid votes | 40339 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 550 |
I therefore declare SUSAN (SUZE) EMMA DOSSOR REDMAYNE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5655 |
Animal Justice Party | 82 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 206 |
DemocracyNZ | 142 |
Freedoms NZ | 97 |
Green Party | 3061 |
Labour Party | 8993 |
Leighton Baker Party | 30 |
National Party | 17018 |
New Conservatives | 73 |
New Nation Party | 24 |
New Zealand First Party | 3768 |
New Zealand Loyal | 622 |
NewZeal | 260 |
Te Pāti Māori | 577 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 630 |
Women’s Rights Party | 35 |
Total number of valid votes | 41273 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 150 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
CHATTERTON, Emma | 13485 |
HIPKINS, Chris | 22344 |
HURLE, Michael | 1261 |
NORTON, Chris | 2794 |
PITIROI, Tony | 899 |
ROBERTSON, Heker | 409 |
Total number of valid votes | 41192 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 504 |
I therefore declare CHRISTOPHER JOHN HIPKINS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2476 |
Animal Justice Party | 96 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 177 |
DemocracyNZ | 55 |
Freedoms NZ | 147 |
Green Party | 5068 |
Labour Party | 16000 |
Leighton Baker Party | 13 |
National Party | 12726 |
New Conservatives | 71 |
New Nation Party | 12 |
New Zealand First Party | 2441 |
New Zealand Loyal | 261 |
NewZeal | 500 |
Te Pāti Māori | 511 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1147 |
Women’s Rights Party | 35 |
Total number of valid votes | 41736 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 410 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
EMET, Atom | 216 |
FITZSIMONS, Fleur | 13869 |
GENTER, Julie Anne | 16586 |
McDONALD, Don S | 130 |
McKEE, Nicole | 1179 |
MILLS, Geoff | 860 |
MUTHU, Karunā | 8794 |
ROA, Merania | 96 |
WELSH, Bruce | 275 |
Total number of valid votes | 42005 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 488 |
I therefore declare JULIE ANNE GENTER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 1680 |
Animal Justice Party | 85 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 153 |
DemocracyNZ | 21 |
Freedoms NZ | 61 |
Green Party | 13664 |
Labour Party | 13361 |
Leighton Baker Party | 6 |
National Party | 9088 |
New Conservatives | 35 |
New Nation Party | 13 |
New Zealand First Party | 1411 |
New Zealand Loyal | 126 |
NewZeal | 67 |
Te Pāti Māori | 1006 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1792 |
Women’s Rights Party | 46 |
Total number of valid votes | 42615 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 206 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BLACK-VERCOE, Kariana | 1252 |
McCLAY, Todd | 19339 |
NAERA, Jonn | 354 |
RAUKAWA-TAIT, Merepeka | 2731 |
ROZEBOOM, Marten | 1732 |
SANDFORD, Ben | 10416 |
Total number of valid votes | 35824 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 700 |
I therefore declare TODD MICHAEL MCCLAY to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3543 |
Animal Justice Party | 54 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 177 |
DemocracyNZ | 107 |
Freedoms NZ | 233 |
Green Party | 2885 |
Labour Party | 8922 |
Leighton Baker Party | 28 |
National Party | 15317 |
New Conservatives | 50 |
New Nation Party | 35 |
New Zealand First Party | 2835 |
New Zealand Loyal | 618 |
NewZeal | 491 |
Te Pāti Māori | 851 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 638 |
Women’s Rights Party | 33 |
Total number of valid votes | 36817 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 216 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
COULTER, Abe | 506 |
COURTNEY, Logan | 1022 |
GRIGG, Nicola | 31504 |
HARVEY, Ben | 2822 |
JONES, Luke | 11722 |
Total number of valid votes | 47576 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 578 |
I therefore declare NICOLA ANNA GRIGG to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5895 |
Animal Justice Party | 91 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 184 |
DemocracyNZ | 89 |
Freedoms NZ | 62 |
Green Party | 4340 |
Labour Party | 8805 |
Leighton Baker Party | 41 |
National Party | 23959 |
New Conservatives | 136 |
New Nation Party | 30 |
New Zealand First Party | 2633 |
New Zealand Loyal | 430 |
NewZeal | 225 |
Te Pāti Māori | 235 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1311 |
Women’s Rights Party | 39 |
Total number of valid votes | 48505 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 119 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
EVANS, Logan | 2172 |
GRUMBALL, Anntwinette | 687 |
KENNEDY, Dave | 3860 |
McCALLUM, Simon | 6020 |
MACLEAN, Naomi | 228 |
MOONEY, Joseph | 23231 |
STEPHENSON, Todd | 2807 |
Total number of valid votes | 39005 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 437 |
I therefore declare JOSEPH MOONEY to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5412 |
Animal Justice Party | 65 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 217 |
DemocracyNZ | 60 |
Freedoms NZ | 91 |
Green Party | 3482 |
Labour Party | 6546 |
Leighton Baker Party | 20 |
National Party | 19222 |
New Conservatives | 32 |
New Nation Party | 35 |
New Zealand First Party | 2258 |
New Zealand Loyal | 974 |
NewZeal | 246 |
Te Pāti Māori | 190 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 810 |
Women’s Rights Party | 28 |
Total number of valid votes | 39688 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 148 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DONG, Changrong | 142 |
FRENCH, Matthew | 15136 |
GARDNER, Mac | 286 |
LEARY, Ingrid | 16579 |
MEFFAN, Burty | 1697 |
PATTERSON, Mark | 3069 |
ROBERTS, Fred | 663 |
WEBBER, David | 120 |
WILLIS, Scott | 3898 |
Total number of valid votes | 41590 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 498 |
I therefore declare INGRID LEARY to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3345 |
Animal Justice Party | 75 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 200 |
DemocracyNZ | 66 |
Freedoms NZ | 57 |
Green Party | 4581 |
Labour Party | 14507 |
Leighton Baker Party | 23 |
National Party | 14206 |
New Conservatives | 32 |
New Nation Party | 11 |
New Zealand First Party | 3259 |
New Zealand Loyal | 477 |
NewZeal | 207 |
Te Pāti Māori | 245 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 929 |
Women’s Rights Party | 39 |
Total number of valid votes | 42259 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 247 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
AH CHEE, Rae | 2037 |
LEAVASA, Anae Neru | 13161 |
NAKHLE, Rima | 21936 |
TULLOCH, Lynley Kim | 736 |
Total number of valid votes | 37870 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 1332 |
I therefore declare RIMA JILLIAN NAKHLE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2202 |
Animal Justice Party | 82 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 108 |
DemocracyNZ | 32 |
Freedoms NZ | 208 |
Green Party | 2277 |
Labour Party | 11181 |
Leighton Baker Party | 16 |
National Party | 21056 |
New Conservatives | 68 |
New Nation Party | 14 |
New Zealand First Party | 1267 |
New Zealand Loyal | 135 |
NewZeal | 299 |
Te Pāti Māori | 440 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 333 |
Women’s Rights Party | 25 |
Total number of valid votes | 39743 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 320 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
O’CONNOR, Simon | 13700 |
PERRATT, Anne | 389 |
SOLOMONE, Fesaitu | 8968 |
VAN VELDEN, Brooke | 17858 |
Total number of valid votes | 40915 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 430 |
I therefore declare BROOKE VAN VELDEN to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5172 |
Animal Justice Party | 51 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 88 |
DemocracyNZ | 34 |
Freedoms NZ | 47 |
Green Party | 4582 |
Labour Party | 7009 |
Leighton Baker Party | 6 |
National Party | 21916 |
New Conservatives | 29 |
New Nation Party | 6 |
New Zealand First Party | 1198 |
New Zealand Loyal | 167 |
NewZeal | 82 |
Te Pāti Māori | 288 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 980 |
Women’s Rights Party | 28 |
Total number of valid votes | 41683 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 128 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BURR, Bill | 3388 |
KURIGER, Barbara | 24760 |
RAISON, Daryl | 948 |
ROBERTS, Angela | 10405 |
Total number of valid votes | 39501 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 1029 |
I therefore declare BARBARA JOAN KURIGER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5484 |
Animal Justice Party | 66 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 165 |
DemocracyNZ | 77 |
Freedoms NZ | 137 |
Green Party | 2828 |
Labour Party | 7022 |
Leighton Baker Party | 43 |
National Party | 19281 |
New Conservatives | 104 |
New Nation Party | 31 |
New Zealand First Party | 3398 |
New Zealand Loyal | 800 |
NewZeal | 229 |
Te Pāti Māori | 494 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 645 |
Women’s Rights Party | 32 |
Total number of valid votes | 40836 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 209 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
AL-BUSTANJI, Aladdin | 8353 |
COZENS, Zane | 2808 |
O’CONNOR PATENA, George | 3441 |
PEHI, Tira | 2114 |
UPSTON, Louise | 24858 |
WILSON, Gordon | 1410 |
Total number of valid votes | 42984 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 520 |
I therefore declare LOUISE UPSTON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4960 |
Animal Justice Party | 50 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 178 |
DemocracyNZ | 75 |
Freedoms NZ | 134 |
Green Party | 2773 |
Labour Party | 9686 |
Leighton Baker Party | 36 |
National Party | 19966 |
New Conservatives | 66 |
New Nation Party | 20 |
New Zealand First Party | 3508 |
New Zealand Loyal | 961 |
NewZeal | 208 |
Te Pāti Māori | 567 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 644 |
Women’s Rights Party | 26 |
Total number of valid votes | 43858 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 170 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BALDOCK, Larry | 1039 |
CROOKS, Justin | 2729 |
HARVEY, Erika | 3403 |
LANGRIDGE, Jono | 245 |
SAMUELS, Leon | 285 |
STOKMAN, Chelsea Jordan | 246 |
SYDNEY, Mikaere Taingahue | 613 |
TINETTI, Jan | 9610 |
UFFINDELL, Sam | 18980 |
YOUNG, Christine | 3791 |
Total number of valid votes | 40941 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 603 |
I therefore declare SAMUEL JULIAN UFFINDELL to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4471 |
Animal Justice Party | 85 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 124 |
DemocracyNZ | 66 |
Freedoms NZ | 171 |
Green Party | 3766 |
Labour Party | 7664 |
Leighton Baker Party | 24 |
National Party | 19345 |
New Conservatives | 101 |
New Nation Party | 39 |
New Zealand First Party | 3753 |
New Zealand Loyal | 470 |
NewZeal | 463 |
Te Pāti Māori | 440 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 935 |
Women’s Rights Party | 35 |
Total number of valid votes | 41952 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 162 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
COURT, Simon | 2506 |
NEUMANN, Zooey | 3516 |
NICHOLAS, Angee | 14071 |
PHILLIPS, Melanie | 482 |
TAMIHERE, John | 1261 |
TWYFORD, Phil | 14202 |
Total number of valid votes | 36038 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 794 |
I therefore declare PHILIP STONER TWYFORD to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2412 |
Animal Justice Party | 67 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 151 |
DemocracyNZ | 37 |
Freedoms NZ | 106 |
Green Party | 4199 |
Labour Party | 12460 |
Leighton Baker Party | 16 |
National Party | 14045 |
New Conservatives | 67 |
New Nation Party | 25 |
New Zealand First Party | 1681 |
New Zealand Loyal | 282 |
NewZeal | 354 |
Te Pāti Māori | 588 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 603 |
Women’s Rights Party | 40 |
Total number of valid votes | 37133 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 255 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DOUGLAS, Rob | 2016 |
HULMAN, Rob | 1030 |
LORCK, Anna | 11863 |
MANNING, Romana (Marnz) | 631 |
NGAHUKA, Michael | 379 |
PETROWSKI, Melanie Lorraine | 181 |
PONK, Michael | 45 |
RATCLIFFE, Nick | 2383 |
TOSH, Allister David | 66 |
WEDD, Catherine | 21981 |
Total number of valid votes | 40575 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 507 |
I therefore declare CATHERINE WEDD to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5117 |
Animal Justice Party | 68 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 228 |
DemocracyNZ | 71 |
Freedoms NZ | 123 |
Green Party | 3284 |
Labour Party | 10518 |
Leighton Baker Party | 35 |
National Party | 17165 |
New Conservatives | 64 |
New Nation Party | 14 |
New Zealand First Party | 2550 |
New Zealand Loyal | 620 |
NewZeal | 432 |
Te Pāti Māori | 410 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 587 |
Women’s Rights Party | 39 |
Total number of valid votes | 41325 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 264 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BREWER, Cameron | 21498 |
CHHOUR, Karen | 2313 |
CORBETT, Tony | 83 |
DOYLE, Thea | 3018 |
NAVOT, Shai | 1109 |
NEWMAN, Chris | 387 |
SOARES, Bernadette | 137 |
WALTERS, Vanushi | 10306 |
WILSON, David Ashley | 1330 |
Total number of valid votes | 40181 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 586 |
I therefore declare CAMERON ERIC BREWER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3483 |
Animal Justice Party | 48 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 141 |
DemocracyNZ | 33 |
Freedoms NZ | 92 |
Green Party | 3872 |
Labour Party | 9314 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 20689 |
New Conservatives | 93 |
New Nation Party | 4 |
New Zealand First Party | 1671 |
New Zealand Loyal | 275 |
NewZeal | 207 |
Te Pāti Māori | 328 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 884 |
Women’s Rights Party | 31 |
Total number of valid votes | 41177 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 248 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DORNAN, Lois | 420 |
HUSBAND, Stuart | 3587 |
OWEN, Megan | 1549 |
TOKO, Jamie | 9148 |
VAN DE MOLEN, Tim | 27194 |
Total number of valid votes | 41898 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 693 |
I therefore declare TIMOTHY JOHN VAN DE MOLEN to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5294 |
Animal Justice Party | 77 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 190 |
DemocracyNZ | 86 |
Freedoms NZ | 142 |
Green Party | 2376 |
Labour Party | 7612 |
Leighton Baker Party | 28 |
National Party | 21749 |
New Conservatives | 102 |
New Nation Party | 19 |
New Zealand First Party | 3319 |
New Zealand Loyal | 721 |
NewZeal | 238 |
Te Pāti Māori | 415 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 742 |
Women’s Rights Party | 36 |
Total number of valid votes | 43146 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 196 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BAKER, Leighton | 1815 |
CAMPBELL, Ross Eric | 2066 |
DOOCEY, Matt | 26816 |
MALCOLM, Gordon | 1530 |
ROSEWARNE, Dan | 13806 |
Total number of valid votes | 46033 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 474 |
I therefore declare MATTHEW MAURICE DOOCEY to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4941 |
Animal Justice Party | 102 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 179 |
DemocracyNZ | 461 |
Freedoms NZ | 82 |
Green Party | 3996 |
Labour Party | 11317 |
Leighton Baker Party | 302 |
National Party | 19969 |
New Conservatives | 108 |
New Nation Party | 20 |
New Zealand First Party | 3285 |
New Zealand Loyal | 440 |
NewZeal | 199 |
Te Pāti Māori | 238 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1034 |
Women’s Rights Party | 48 |
Total number of valid votes | 46721 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 142 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ARNOTT, Pete | 1737 |
BUTTERICK, Mike | 20313 |
CASEY, Simon Francis | 1907 |
GARDNER, Jared Warren | 247 |
McANULTY, Kieran | 17497 |
WADE-BROWN, Celia | 1832 |
WAIKARE, Te Whakapono | 517 |
Total number of valid votes | 44050 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 457 |
I therefore declare MICHAEL BUTTERICK to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 4752 |
Animal Justice Party | 81 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 207 |
DemocracyNZ | 72 |
Freedoms NZ | 93 |
Green Party | 3676 |
Labour Party | 12223 |
Leighton Baker Party | 35 |
National Party | 17397 |
New Conservatives | 58 |
New Nation Party | 32 |
New Zealand First Party | 3655 |
New Zealand Loyal | 1027 |
NewZeal | 156 |
Te Pāti Māori | 455 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 708 |
Women’s Rights Party | 47 |
Total number of valid votes | 44674 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 199 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANDERSON, Miles | 22675 |
BAILEY, Ray | 1125 |
BEAMISH, Sean | 2477 |
HANSEN, Pleasance | 3495 |
ODERING, Anthony | 1823 |
REILLE, Ethan | 10524 |
SHAND, Daniel | 584 |
SMALL, Roger | 1078 |
Total number of valid votes | 43781 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 484 |
I therefore declare MILES JOHN ANDERSON to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5473 |
Animal Justice Party | 64 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 158 |
DemocracyNZ | 281 |
Freedoms NZ | 61 |
Green Party | 4014 |
Labour Party | 9575 |
Leighton Baker Party | 33 |
National Party | 19281 |
New Conservatives | 72 |
New Nation Party | 10 |
New Zealand First Party | 3103 |
New Zealand Loyal | 902 |
NewZeal | 281 |
Te Pāti Māori | 182 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 873 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 44393 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 220 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ALBERT, Natalia | 1554 |
APPLEBY, Michael George | 418 |
ARNEIL, Taylor | 493 |
BAINS, Pete | 36 |
FRANKS, Don | 67 |
GEIRINGER, Karl Thomas | 43 |
GORDON, Christopher | 111 |
LIM, Meg | 80 |
OMER, Ibrahim | 12373 |
PAUL, Tamatha | 18439 |
SHEERAN, Scott | 11555 |
Total number of valid votes | 45169 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 287 |
I therefore declare TAMATHA-KAYE ERIN PAUL to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2075 |
Animal Justice Party | 61 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 136 |
DemocracyNZ | 18 |
Freedoms NZ | 32 |
Green Party | 17332 |
Labour Party | 11436 |
Leighton Baker Party | 11 |
National Party | 9855 |
New Conservatives | 31 |
New Nation Party | 14 |
New Zealand First Party | 1029 |
New Zealand Loyal | 80 |
NewZeal | 57 |
Te Pāti Māori | 1106 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 2536 |
Women’s Rights Party | 54 |
Total number of valid votes | 45863 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 126 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
FARRELLY, Jackie | 1799 |
GREY, Sue | 1554 |
LILLEY, Kelly | 2520 |
MARINKOVICH, Sebastian | 1370 |
O’CONNOR, Damien | 12300 |
OSMASTON, Richard | 88 |
PHELPS, Patrick Sean | 5903 |
PUGH, Maureen | 13317 |
RICHARDS, Steve | 2743 |
Total number of valid votes | 41594 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 311 |
I therefore declare MAUREEN HELENA PUGH to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5488 |
Animal Justice Party | 99 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 281 |
DemocracyNZ | 136 |
Freedoms NZ | 289 |
Green Party | 4521 |
Labour Party | 9970 |
Leighton Baker Party | 40 |
National Party | 14042 |
New Conservatives | 63 |
New Nation Party | 19 |
New Zealand First Party | 4154 |
New Zealand Loyal | 1489 |
NewZeal | 254 |
Te Pāti Māori | 290 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 792 |
Women’s Rights Party | 46 |
Total number of valid votes | 41973 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 236 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ARNOLD, William | 3234 |
BATES, Carl | 18389 |
DREDGE, Craig | 1683 |
KYLE, Sandra | 402 |
LEWIS, Steph | 12972 |
SANSON, Marion | 2049 |
Total number of valid votes | 38729 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 511 |
I therefore declare CARL MICHAEL BATES to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3749 |
Animal Justice Party | 99 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 214 |
DemocracyNZ | 77 |
Freedoms NZ | 88 |
Green Party | 2980 |
Labour Party | 11002 |
Leighton Baker Party | 20 |
National Party | 14567 |
New Conservatives | 105 |
New Nation Party | 17 |
New Zealand First Party | 4494 |
New Zealand Loyal | 544 |
NewZeal | 315 |
Te Pāti Māori | 602 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 463 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 39366 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 210 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANGELO, Simon | 2522 |
LAYBOURN, Craig | 652 |
MITCHELL, Mark | 30742 |
MULLER PALLARÈS, Estefania | 7366 |
NEWMAN, Lorraine | 3487 |
WILSON, Jeanette | 1489 |
Total number of valid votes | 46258 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 530 |
I therefore declare MARK MITCHELL to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 5627 |
Animal Justice Party | 91 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 131 |
DemocracyNZ | 157 |
Freedoms NZ | 92 |
Green Party | 3584 |
Labour Party | 7202 |
Leighton Baker Party | 29 |
National Party | 25091 |
New Conservatives | 65 |
New Nation Party | 16 |
New Zealand First Party | 2952 |
New Zealand Loyal | 630 |
NewZeal | 460 |
Te Pāti Māori | 222 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 770 |
Women’s Rights Party | 36 |
Total number of valid votes | 47155 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 120 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANDREWS, Janita | 1006 |
BAZELEY, Rick | 2680 |
BENNEY, Gavin | 5371 |
BRETHERTON, Susy | 1222 |
BURGESS, Diana | 578 |
de JONGE, Jeni | 612 |
GREEN, Fiona | 140 |
KAPA-KINGI, Eru | 859 |
RETI, Shane | 20843 |
WARREN-CLARK, Angie | 9419 |
Total number of valid votes | 42730 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 394 |
I therefore declare SHANE RAYMOND RETI to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 3954 |
Animal Justice Party | 77 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 249 |
DemocracyNZ | 352 |
Freedoms NZ | 110 |
Green Party | 4075 |
Labour Party | 9698 |
Leighton Baker Party | 32 |
National Party | 16441 |
New Conservatives | 55 |
New Nation Party | 35 |
New Zealand First Party | 5673 |
New Zealand Loyal | 905 |
NewZeal | 336 |
Te Pāti Māori | 591 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 730 |
Women’s Rights Party | 35 |
Total number of valid votes | 43348 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 286 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
ANDERSON, Blair | 696 |
CULLIMORE, Debra Marie | 284 |
HANSEN, Tubby | 74 |
LYNN, Ankita | 1520 |
McTAGUE, Geoff | 118 |
SUMMERFIELD, Tracy | 14403 |
THOMSON, Wiremu | 125 |
VAN DUIVENBODEN, Christine | 392 |
WESLEY, Richard | 3780 |
WOODS, Megan | 15590 |
Total number of valid votes | 36982 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 647 |
I therefore declare MEGAN CHERIE WOODS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 2465 |
Animal Justice Party | 95 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 201 |
DemocracyNZ | 65 |
Freedoms NZ | 59 |
Green Party | 5634 |
Labour Party | 11249 |
Leighton Baker Party | 66 |
National Party | 13401 |
New Conservatives | 104 |
New Nation Party | 29 |
New Zealand First Party | 1922 |
New Zealand Loyal | 253 |
NewZeal | 189 |
Te Pāti Māori | 316 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 1783 |
Women’s Rights Party | 37 |
Total number of valid votes | 37868 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 196 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
MAHUTA, Nanaia | 10025 |
MAIPI-CLARKE, Hana-Rawhiti | 12939 |
POKERE-PHILLIPS, Donna | 1220 |
Total number of valid votes | 24187 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 873 |
I therefore declare HANA-RAWHITI MAIPI-CLARKE to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 294 |
Animal Justice Party | 14 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 254 |
DemocracyNZ | 23 |
Freedoms NZ | 323 |
Green Party | 1893 |
Labour Party | 11508 |
Leighton Baker Party | 11 |
National Party | 1292 |
New Conservatives | 15 |
New Nation Party | 8 |
New Zealand First Party | 974 |
New Zealand Loyal | 310 |
NewZeal | 128 |
Te Pāti Māori | 8503 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 186 |
Women’s Rights Party | 19 |
Total number of valid votes | 25755 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 497 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
TANGAERE-MANUEL, Cushla | 13678 |
TUHAKARAINA, Ata | 784 |
WHAITIRI, Meka | 10835 |
Total number of valid votes | 25297 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 703 |
I therefore declare CUSHLA TANGAERE-MANUEL to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 207 |
Animal Justice Party | 27 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 276 |
DemocracyNZ | 26 |
Freedoms NZ | 167 |
Green Party | 1792 |
Labour Party | 14703 |
Leighton Baker Party | 9 |
National Party | 960 |
New Conservatives | 16 |
New Nation Party | 9 |
New Zealand First Party | 928 |
New Zealand Loyal | 258 |
NewZeal | 179 |
Te Pāti Māori | 6700 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 139 |
Women’s Rights Party | 18 |
Total number of valid votes | 26414 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 433 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
HENARE, Peeni | 10046 |
KEMP, Takutai Tarsh | 10050 |
TAMAKI, Hannah | 829 |
TANA, Darleen | 2911 |
TE HAU, Hinurewa | 1274 |
Total number of valid votes | 25110 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 502 |
I therefore declare TAKUTAI TARSH KEMP to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 254 |
Animal Justice Party | 27 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 248 |
DemocracyNZ | 28 |
Freedoms NZ | 478 |
Green Party | 3230 |
Labour Party | 11574 |
Leighton Baker Party | 7 |
National Party | 1269 |
New Conservatives | 13 |
New Nation Party | 2 |
New Zealand First Party | 927 |
New Zealand Loyal | 174 |
NewZeal | 121 |
Te Pāti Māori | 8048 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 248 |
Women’s Rights Party | 25 |
Total number of valid votes | 26673 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 373 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
HIPANGO, Harete | 1382 |
NGAREWA-PACKER, Debbie | 16358 |
PEKE-MASON, Soraya | 7136 |
WINIATA, Paris | 689 |
Total number of valid votes | 25565 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 604 |
I therefore declare DEBBIE ANNE NGAREWA-PACKER to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 281 |
Animal Justice Party | 29 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 299 |
DemocracyNZ | 29 |
Freedoms NZ | 209 |
Green Party | 2122 |
Labour Party | 11050 |
Leighton Baker Party | 18 |
National Party | 1215 |
New Conservatives | 16 |
New Nation Party | 6 |
New Zealand First Party | 1135 |
New Zealand Loyal | 343 |
NewZeal | 132 |
Te Pāti Māori | 9674 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 185 |
Women’s Rights Party | 20 |
Total number of valid votes | 26763 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 452 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
DAVIS, Kelvin | 9911 |
HERBERT, Maki | 1923 |
KAPA-KINGI, Mariameno | 10428 |
LYNDON, Hūhana | 4187 |
TOAUTU, Paturiri | 443 |
Total number of valid votes | 26892 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 880 |
I therefore declare MARIAMENO KAPA-KINGI to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 307 |
Animal Justice Party | 28 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 468 |
DemocracyNZ | 72 |
Freedoms NZ | 245 |
Green Party | 2731 |
Labour Party | 12653 |
Leighton Baker Party | 12 |
National Party | 1545 |
New Conservatives | 10 |
New Nation Party | 6 |
New Zealand First Party | 1917 |
New Zealand Loyal | 401 |
NewZeal | 161 |
Te Pāti Māori | 7690 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 211 |
Women’s Rights Party | 16 |
Total number of valid votes | 28473 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 410 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
FERRIS, Tākuta | 12828 |
FUIMAONO PUHI, Geoffrey Karena | 816 |
ROBIN, Rebecca | 2852 |
TIRIKATENE, Rino | 10004 |
Total number of valid votes | 26500 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 910 |
I therefore declare TĀKUTA FERRIS to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 659 |
Animal Justice Party | 50 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 479 |
DemocracyNZ | 68 |
Freedoms NZ | 156 |
Green Party | 4605 |
Labour Party | 10396 |
Leighton Baker Party | 50 |
National Party | 2453 |
New Conservatives | 11 |
New Nation Party | 12 |
New Zealand First Party | 1557 |
New Zealand Loyal | 471 |
NewZeal | 122 |
Te Pāti Māori | 6447 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 549 |
Women’s Rights Party | 22 |
Total number of valid votes | 28107 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 302 |
Candidates | Votes Received |
BOYNTON, Toni | 5609 |
HUNIA, Charles Tiki | 1067 |
WAITITI, Rawiri | 21500 |
Total number of valid votes | 28176 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 782 |
I therefore declare RAWIRI WAITITI to be elected.
I further declare the total number of votes received by political Parties as a consequence of votes recorded on the party vote part of the ballot paper to be as follows:
Parties | Votes Received |
ACT New Zealand | 221 |
Animal Justice Party | 24 |
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party | 245 |
DemocracyNZ | 31 |
Freedoms NZ | 417 |
Green Party | 1637 |
Labour Party | 12892 |
Leighton Baker Party | 15 |
National Party | 1003 |
New Conservatives | 7 |
New Nation Party | 4 |
New Zealand First Party | 1109 |
New Zealand Loyal | 241 |
NewZeal | 150 |
Te Pāti Māori | 11300 |
The Opportunities Party (TOP) | 159 |
Women’s Rights Party | 30 |
Total number of valid votes | 29485 |
Number of votes rejected as informal | 566 |
Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of November 2023.
KARL LE QUESNE, Electoral Commissioner.