Notice Title

Notice of Exemption from the Maritime Rules and Marine Protection Rules

Publication Date
5 Oct 2023


Maritime Transport Act Marine protection/maritime rules Maritime New Zealand

Notice Number

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Pursuant to sections 40AA(1)(a) and 395(1)(a) of the Maritime Transport Act 1994, the Director of Maritime New Zealand hereby notifies the granting of the following exemptions from the Maritime and Marine Protection Rules during the periods 4 August 2023 to 23 August 2023 inclusive; and 20 May 2022 to 23 December 2022 inclusive.

Rule Part



Exempted (person, ship, product etc)


Maritime Transport Operator – Certification and Responsibilities


Requirement to hold Maritime Transport Operator Certificate

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for Maritime Transport Operator Plan

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for maritime transport operator safety system

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for survey plan

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for maintenance plan

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for safety equipment list and spare parts list

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club



All requirements in this rule for maritime transport operator responsible for safe ships

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master) and vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club


Operating Limits


Requirements in the operating limits that restrict vessels to operate within 12 miles only in respect to provision of assistance/support to the vessel Celerity on 23 December 2022 at estimated position of 18.5 nautical miles NE of Burgess Island, Moko Hinau Islands

Coastguard New Zealand Rescue Vessel (CRV) Circa Rescue


Crewing and Watchkeeping


Requirement to operate under Minimum Safe Crewing Document for some ships only in respect to requirement to operate with Qualified Deck Crew (QDCs)

Southern Discoveries Limited (owner) and master of vessels, Spirit of Queenstown, MNZ No. 134744; Spirit of Milford, MNZ No. 105504; and Pride of Milford, MNZ No. 130880



Minimum crewing requirements as per Minimum Safe Crewing Document, as specified in applicable tables and flowcharts

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master)



Minimum crewing requirements for other ships – passenger - only with respect to requirement for the Master of vessel less than 24m, with 20 to 99 passengers on board, to hold a Skipper Restricted Limits certificate of competency with passenger endorsement

Holder of the Local Launchman Licence (owner) and holder of Commercial Jet Boat Driver (River) Licence (master), and vessel, Maid of the Falls, MNZ No. 132443


31.84(4)(b), Table 11

Minimum crewing requirements for passenger ships operating within enclosed water limits only with respect to Master of vessel less than 24m, with 20 to 99 passengers on board, to hold a Skipper Restricted Limits certificate of competency with passenger endorsement

Holder of the Local Launchman Licence (owner) and holder of Commercial Jet Boat Driver (River) Licence (master), and vessel, Maid of the Falls, MNZ No. 132443


Seafarer Certification


All requirements in this rule to hold certain certificates and associated endorsements

Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated (owner and master)



Requirement to hold certificate and associated endorsements only in respect to requirement for master of vessel to hold a Skipper Restricted Limits certificate of competency with passenger endorsement

Holder of Commercial Jet Boat Driver (River) Licence, master of vessel, Maid of the Falls, MNZ No. 132443


Requirement to hold certificate and associated endorsements only in respect to requirement to hold Qualified Deck Crew certificate of proficiency with passenger endorsement

Deck crew employed by Southern Discoveries Limited (owner) and vessels, Spirit of Queenstown, MNZ No.134744; Spirit of Milford, MNZ No.105504; and Pride of Milford, MNZ No.130880


Requirement to hold certificate and associated endorsements only in respect to holding and exercising privileges as the Master of a vessel outside of coastal limits around the Chatham Islands – 50 nautical miles

Holder of Skipper/Coastal Offshore and Commercial Launchmaster certificates of competency, and vessel, Harvest, MNZ No.136023


Design, Construction and Equipment - Passenger Ships which are not SOLAS Ships

40A.56(1), Appendix 4, 4.3

Life-saving appliances must be provided in accordance with requirements of Appendix 4.3 restricted limit ships – specifically Survival craft (1) inshore limits ship of 24 metres or more but less than 45 metres in length overall

Johnsons Barge Services Limited (owner) and Master of vessel, Pukatea, MNZ No. 127082


Design, Construction and Equipment - Non-passenger Ships that are not SOLAS Ships


All the design and survey construction applicable requirements

Vessels owned by Kohimarama Yacht Club Incorporated



Shelter and passenger accommodation – ship that proceeds beyond enclosed water limits, has spaces that provide shelter from the weather for total number of persons on board

Victoria University of Wellington (owner) and vessels, Pipi, MNZ No. 131132; Tuatua, MNZ No.131949; and Tipa, MNZ No.134586


Marine Protection Products – Oil


Every ship must be fitted with oil filtering equipment as per requirements

McCallum Bros Limited (owner) and vessel, Kapua, MNZ No. 128148