Notice Title

Corrigendum—Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 335 (Meridian Energy Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023

Publication Date
11 Aug 2023


Electricity Industry Act Exemptions Electricity Authority

Notice Number

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In accordance with section 11 of the Electricity Industry Act 2010 (“Act”), the Electricity Authority gives the following notice.


1. Title and Commencement

(1) This notice is the Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 335 (Meridian Energy Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023.

(2) This notice comes into force on 18 August 2023.

2. Exemption

(1) Meridian Energy Limited (“Meridian”) is exempted from complying with the obligation in clause 10.24(c) of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (“Code”) not to use subtraction to determine submission information for ICP 0000880392WEA92.

(2) This exemption applies only to ICP 0000880392WEA92.

3. Term

This exemption expires on the earlier of:

  1. 31 December 2024; or
  2. when Meridian is no longer recorded in the registry as being the trader for ICP 0000880392WEA92; or
  3. when AccuCal Limited (“AccuCal”) is no longer recorded in the registry as being the Metering Equipment Provider for ICP 0000880392WEA92; or
  4. the date on which the meter programming, metering or distribution configuration is changed or decommissioned.

4. Reasons for Granting the Exemption

The reasons for granting this exemption are:

  1. deriving the submission information from the metering installations at the ICP by subtraction is as accurate as it would be if it was derived using directly metered data;
  2. the extension will not affect any other Code provision and will have no impact on any other participant or service provider, except AccuCal, which is subject to Electricity Industry (Exemption No. 334 (AccuCal Limited)) Exemption Notice 2023; and
  3. granting the requested exemption meets the requirements in section 11(2) of the Act.

Dated at Wellington this 8th day of August 2023.

For and on behalf of the Electricity Authority:
ALLAN DAWSON, Member, Electricity Authority.

Note: This notice replaces the notice published in the New Zealand Gazette, 22 June 2023, Notice No. 2023-au2729, the date the notice comes into force has been amended from 1 July 2023 to 18 August 2023.