GOLDEN CONCEPT E LIMITED (trading as Eversleigh Hospital) and GOLDEN CONCEPT GROUP (NZ) LIMITED (both in liquidation)
Company Numbers: 4759219 and 808617
NZBNs: 9429040998824 and 9429038320958
Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993, Paul Vlasic, Certified Practising Accountant and Licensed Insolvency Practitioner of Rodgers Reidy (NZ) Limited, was appointed as liquidator of the companies by special shareholders’ resolutions on the date and times below:
31 March 2023
GOLDEN CONCEPT E LIMITED (trading as Eversleigh Hospital) (in liquidation) at 8.00am
GOLDEN CONCEPT GROUP (NZ) LIMITED (in liquidation) at 8.00am
I fix 19 May 2023 as the date on or before which the creditors of the companies are to make their claims and to establish any priority their claims may have, under section 312 of the Companies Act 1993, or to be excluded from the benefit of any distribution made before their claims are made or, as the case may be, from objecting to any distribution.
Dated this 3rd day of April 2023.
PAUL VLASIC, Liquidator.
Address of Liquidator: Rodgers Reidy (NZ) Limited, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, PO Box 45220, Te Atatu, Auckland 0651. Telephone: (09) 834 2631. Facsimile: (09) 834 2651. Enquiries to: Paul Vlasic (