BLENHEIM WORKING MEN’S CLUB (trading as Clubs of Marlborough) (in liquidation)
Malcolm Hollis and Richard Nacey, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners (NZ), were appointed joint and several liquidators of BLENHEIM WORKING MEN’S CLUB (trading as Clubs of Marlborough) (in liquidation) by the High Court at Blenheim pursuant to section 90 of the Friendly Societies and Credit Unions Act 1982 and section 246 of the Companies Act 1993 on 10 March 2023 at 10.32am on the application of The Registrar of Friendly Societies.
Claims and Enquiries to: BLENHEIM WORKING MEN’S CLUB (trading as Clubs of Marlborough), C/o PwC, PO Box 13244, Christchurch 8141. Attention: Monica Wilson. Telephone: (03) 374 3000. Email:
Dated this 14th day of March 2023.