Notice Title

BLACK DOG CONSULTING LIMITED (administrator appointed)

Publication Date
23 Feb 2023


Companies Act Administrations

Notice Number

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Notice of Appointment of Administrator and
Notice of the First Meeting of Creditors

Pursuant to Sections 239ADW and 239AO of the Companies Act 1993

Notice is hereby given that Heath Gair, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner of Wellington, was appointed administrator of the above-named company, pursuant to section 239I of the Companies Act 1993 on 21 February 2023.

Notice to Creditors

All creditors should forward details of any claim they may have against the company, including any details of any claims made against the assets of the company pursuant to reservation of title or otherwise, to the administrators at the address noted below.

Notice of First Meeting of Creditors

The first meeting of creditors will be held virtually by way of video conference on Thursday 2 March 2023 commencing at 2.00pm. Please contact Jennifer Yi at the administrator’s office for a link to the virtual meeting and if you plan to attend.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

  1. Decide whether to replace the administrator.
  2. Decide whether to appoint a creditors committee and, if so, to appoint its members.

Dated this 22nd day of February 2023.

HEATH GAIR, Administrator.

Enquiries to: Heath Gair, Palliser Insolvency Limited, Level 2, 40 Lady Elizabeth Lane, Wellington. Postal Address: PO Box 57124, Mana, Porirua 5247. Phone: (04) 462 4055. Email:

Virtual link email enquiries to Jennifer Yi (