Notice Type
Secondary Legislation
Notice Title

Fees in Relation to Quota Management Systems—United Kingdom (UK) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Beef Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) and UK Sheepmeat FTA TRQ

Under section 36 of the Meat Board Act 2004, the New Zealand Meat Board (“Board”) must recover the costs of quota administration services from the users of those services.

New Zealand (NZ) and United Kingdom (UK) have negotiated a Free Trade Agreement (“FTA”) which is being ratified and implemented by the UK and NZ Parliaments before the FTA can enter into force. In anticipation of ratification and implementation processes being concluded for entry into force the Board has developed a Quota Allowance Allocation System to enable administration of the UK FTA Beef TRQ.

To prepare for this, the Board has determined quota management fees payable in respect of the New FTA Quotas, and these are set out in the table below. The fees will apply with immediate effect.

  $ Amount of Fee (G.S.T. excluded)
Application for Quota Allowance UK FTA Sheepmeat UK FTA Beef
New Entrant Application Fee NA NA
Fixed Participation Fee 3,000.00 3,000.00
First Come First Served Participation Fee 1,500.00 1,500.00
Variable Participation Fee (per tonne) 2.40 2.40
Special Levy (per tonne) NA NA
Certificates issued (per certificate)    
Wellington (electronic) 10.00 10.00
Wellington (manual) 40.00 40.00
Brussels – Sea Freight 200.00 200.00
Brussels – Air Freight 150.00 150.00
Certificate rework (per certificate)    
Wellington – Not issued 30.00 30.00
Wellington – Cancelled 30.00 30.00
General Quota 50.00 50.00
New Entrant Quota Allowance 50.00 50.00
Production History or Export History 500.00 500.00
Quota Utilisation Reports Nil Nil
Courier Costs Actual Actual
Production/Export History Audits Actual Actual
Company Compliance Audits Actual Actual

All EU Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ, UK Sheepmeat and Goatmeat TRQ, EU High Quality Beef TRQ, UK High Quality Beef TRQ and United States (US) Beef and Veal TRQ quota management fees remain unchanged.

Dated at Wellington this 15th day of November 2022.

N. BEEBY, General Manager – Quota and Information, New Zealand Meat Board.