Notice Title

BEACOS NZ LIMITED and VAC-U-DIGGA NZ LIMITED (both administrators appointed and in receivership)

Publication Date
22 Dec 2022


Companies Act Administrations

Notice Number

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Notice of Joint Watershed Meeting

Pursuant to Sections 239AT and 239AU(1)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 (“Act”)

Company Numbers: 389176 and 3921378

Notice is hereby given that a watershed meeting of the creditors of the companies to decide the future of the companies will be held on Thursday 5 January 2023 at 11.30am, at Sky City Hotel, 72 Victoria Street West, Auckland.
There will also be the opportunity for creditors to attend the meeting virtually via the Microsoft Teams platform. Please contact Grace Clauson at the administrators’ office for a link to the virtual meeting.


The nature of business to be dealt with at the watershed meeting is as follows:

  1. To consider the administrators’ report and opinion about the companies’ business, property, affairs and financial circumstances.
  2. For the creditors of the companies to consider and vote on whether the companies should be placed into liquidation or whether the administration should end.
  3. Any other business that may lawfully be brought forward.

Creditors may exercise their right to vote by being present in person, or by appointing a proxy or by postal/email vote. Postal votes and proxies must be received on or before close of business Wednesday 4 January 2023 to Grace Clauson of Cor Cordis Pty Ltd by way of email to: or to PO Box Q1165, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, New South Wales 1230, Australia.

As noted above we propose to hold a joint watershed meeting of the companies. If any creditor wishes to object to the joint meeting, they may do so by submitting an objection in writing to the administrators via postal, email or street address (as set out below).

The administrator must receive objections by 4.00pm Tuesday 3 January 2023. Unless any creditor objects in accordance with this notice, all creditors will be taken to have agreed to the joint meeting. Notwithstanding that the watershed meeting may be a joint meeting, voting for the motions will be conducted separately for each of the companies.

Dated this 22nd day of December 2022.

MICHAEL J. BILLINGSLEY and NEIL R. CUSSEN, Joint Administrators, Cor Cordis Pty Ltd.

Creditors and shareholders may direct enquiries during normal business hours to:

Address of Administrators: C/o Cor Cordis Pty Ltd, PO Box Q1165, Queen Victoria Building, Sydney, New South Wales 1230, Australia. Phone: +61 (02) 82218 433. Website: