ISLAND GRACE (FIJI) LIMITED (administrators appointed)
Company No.: 4771739
We, Rees Logan and Andrew McKay, Licensed Insolvency Practitioners of BDO Auckland were appointed joint and several administrators of the company on 22 December 2021. The administration commenced on that date.
All creditors should forward details of any claim, in the form provided, they may have against the company, including details of any claims made against the assets of the company, to the administrators at the address detailed below.
Notice is now given that a meeting of the creditors of the company will be held (in accordance with section 239AL of the Act) at the following location and online on Wednesday 12 January 2022 at 11.00am:
BDO Auckland, Level 4, BDO Centre, 4 Graham Street, Auckland 1140.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is for creditors of the company to:
The text of the resolutions to be voted on for the company are as follows:
You are entitled to cast a postal vote by completing the attached voting paper in respect of the resolutions and returning it by mail to Nancy De Lacey, BDO Auckland, PO Box 2219, Auckland 1140, or by email to
The form must be received no later than two working days before the start of the meeting.
Nancy De Lacey of BDO Auckland, is authorised to receive and count postal votes in relation to the meeting.
If a creditor votes by casting a postal vote in respect of a resolution that is to be submitted to the meeting and a different resolution is submitted to the meeting:
BDO Auckland are committed to keeping everyone safe from COVID-19 and has implemented a policy that only vaccinated people can visit our premises. If you are unable or unwilling to confirm you are vaccinated by way of vaccination pass, you will need to attend the meeting online.
Creditors will also be able to attend the meeting online through the Microsoft Teams platform. Notice of your intention to attend the meeting online must be received not later than 24 hours before the start of the meeting by mail to Nancy De Lacey, BDO Auckland, PO Box 2219, Auckland 1140 or by email to
On receipt of your notification of attendance online you will be provided with instructions and a link to attend.
Dated this 23rd day of December 2021.
REES LOGAN, Administrator.
All Creditors and Shareholders Enquiries May Be Directed to: BDO Auckland, Level 4, BDO Centre, 4 Graham Street, Auckland 1010. Postal Address: PO Box 2219, Auckland 1140. Email: