Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
The applicant described below has applied under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the extinguishment of an easement.
The applicant claims the easement is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to extinguish the easement if no objections have been received before 13 April 2022. You may object by giving notice to the Registrar-General of Land by 13 April 2022.
Land Registration District: South Auckland
Application Number: 12329072.1
Applicant: Julie Louise Williams, c/- Lewis Law, PO Box 529, Cambridge 3450.
Easement: Right of way and right to convey gas over Lot 10 DP 313494 marked V on DP 313494 held as nine undivided one-ninth shares by the owners of Lots 1 to 9 DP 313494 in Records of Title 1005363 owned by Julie Louise Williams, 281923 owned by Buchanan Farm (2011) Limited, 709672 owned by Adam J Thompson and Linda Joy Thompson, 75393 owned by Benjamin James Van Der Sande and Annmarie Rosa Hughes, 75394 owned by Jay Alan James Cowley, Vicki Jane Cowley and Kevin John Burgess, 75395 owned by Deirdre Elizabeth Grey, Tony Bryan Grey and John Gordon Neverman, 75396 owned by Mark Bilsby and Sarah Jane Bilsby, 75397 owned by Lynette Anne Hunt and EM Trustee No. 7 Limited, and 75398 owned by Janice Hazel Brown and Jeffrey Joseph Brown created by Easement Instrument 5666190.4 registered on 22 July 2003 and benefiting Lot 2 DP 564340 held in Record of Title 1005364 and owned by Julie Louise Williams.
Circumstances: The benefited land no longer adjoins the burdened land as a result of subdivision DP 564340 for Record of Title 1005364 and as a result the easement has no practical effect.
Dated at Christchurch this 16th day of March 2022.
C. POP, for Registrar-General of Land.