Notice Title

Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017

Publication Date
7 Dec 2022


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Wellington

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The applicant described below has applied under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the removal of the easement described below registered in the Wellington Land Registration District. The applicant claims the easement is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.

If no objections have been received before 13 January 2023, the Record of Title will be updated to record the easement as redundant.

Application Number: 12503585.1

Applicant: Jason Lee Aylward, c/- Innes Dean Lawyers, PO Box 43, Palmerston North 4440.

Easement: Right of way, right to sewage and stormwater drainage and water supply over part Lot 2 DP 388808 marked B on DP 73970 in Record of Title 355026 owned by Jason Lee Aylward for the benefit of Lot 1 DP 76612 in Record of Title WN43B/683 owned by Ravindra Datt Gosai and Jyoti Achal Gosai, Lot 2 DP 76612 in Record of Title WN43B/684 owned by Michael Jarvis, Lot 3 DP 76612 in Record of Title WN43B/685 owned by IHC New Zealand Incorporated, Lot 5 DP 76612 in Record of Title WN43B/687 owned by IHC New Zealand Incorporated, Lot 6 DP 76612 in Record of Title WN43B/688 owned by Christopher Wayne Pocock and Victoria Elizabeth Pocock and Lot 1 DP 78757 in Record of Title WN45B/132 owned by Keri Melissa Harris.

Circumstances: The easement has been separated from the burdened land by the subdivision of DP 76612 and DP 78757.

Dated at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch this 7th day of December 2022.

DEBBIE DOLHEGUY, for Registrar-General of Land.