Notice Type
Land Transfers/Joint Family Homes
Notice Title

Application to Record Extinguishment of Profit à Prendre on Occurrence of Event at Masterton

Notice is given under section 114(5) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 of an application to record the extinguishment of a profit à prendre on the occurrence of an event. The applicants claim the forestry right profit à prendre is extinguished on the grounds set out below.

Land District: Wellington

Application Number: 12413402.1

Applicant: Roger Alexander Broughton, Sarah Mary Broughton and Broughton Family Trustees Limited, The Trustees, Broughton Family Trust, c/- Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Level 5, 50 Customhouse Quay, Wellington 6011. Postal Address: PO Box 2966, Wellington 6140.

Profit à Prendre: Forestry Right over Lot 1 DP 60003 in Record of Title WN29B/749 owned by Roger Alexander Broughton, Sarah Mary Broughton and Broughton Family Trustees Limited for the benefit of grantees in gross Darren Scott Smith, Stephen Crawford Hanna, Sally Elizabeth Hanna, David Peter Shillson, Michael Craig Smith, Guy Bennett Sargent and Melanie Jane Sargent created by Agreement 5102745.1 registered on 5 November 2001.

Grounds: The Forestry right is extinguished due to an event specified in the document creating it, being that all the timber has been harvested from the Forest Area, has occurred and brings the forestry right to an end.

If no objections have been received before 5 August 2022, the register will be updated to record the forestry right as extinguished.

Objections in writing may be provided to Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Email: Postal Address: Private Bag 4721, Christchurch 8140, or Private Bag 3028, Hamilton 3240 or DX GX10069.

For enquires about this notice phone 0800 665 463.

Dated at Hamilton this 4th day of July 2022.

C. GARDINER, for the Registrar-General of Land.