Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Publication Date
27 May 2022


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Hamilton

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I hereby give notice under section 173(1) of the Land Transfer Act 2017 (“Act”) of an application lodged to bring land under the Act by virtue of adverse possession under section 172(1)(b) and issue a record of title to the below-named applicant.

Such record of title may be issued unless a caveat preventing it is lodged by person(s) as prescribed under section 174(1) of the Act, on or before 26 July 2022.

The applicant is claiming on the grounds that they and their predecessors have had continuous possession of the land as part of their adjoining land at 92 Fred Taylor Drive, Westgate for a period of more than 23 years.

Application 11923524.1 by New South Development Limited c/- Haines Planning, PO Box 90842, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, for an estate in fee simple in 871 square metres more or less being Lot 1 on a plan lodged for deposit in the North Auckland Land District under LT 549570 being part Brigham’s Claim which is part of the land remaining in Deeds Index Volume 7A Folio 299 which last records a conveyance to William Andrew Guesdon on 5 February 1859.

Dated at the Hamilton Office of Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand this 23rd day of May 2022.

LYNETTE BARON, for Registrar-General of Land.