Land Acquired for and Declared Road—State Highway 65, Shenandoah Highway, Maruia
Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Deepal Chand, Land Information New Zealand:
on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.
Area ha |
Description |
0.1327 | Part Lot 2 Deposited Plan 539898 shown as Section 4 SO 564893 (part Record of Title 905262) |
Area ha |
Description |
0.1463 | Part of Section 8 Block III Burnett Survey District, shown as Section 3 564893 |
Dated at Wellington this 15th day of February 2022.
DEEPAL CHAND, for the Minister for Land Information.
(LINZ CPC/2020/21321)