Notice Title

Land Declared Road, Land Taken for Severance, Road Stopped and Added to Recreation Reserve—Curio Bay, Southland

Publication Date
15 Feb 2022


Roading Districts Public Works Act Southland

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Sanket Palshikar, Land Information New Zealand, declares that:

  1. Pursuant to section 114, the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be declared road and shall vest in the Southland District Council.
  2. Pursuant to section 116 of the Public Works Act 1981, the portions of road described in the Second Schedule to this notice be stopped. And once stopped, that:
    1. the land firstly described be amalgamated with the Recreation Reserve comprised Record of Title 939293, pursuant to section 117 of the Public Works Act 1981;
    2. the land secondly and thirdly described be added to the Recreation Reserve described in Gazette Notice 086380.1, pursuant to section 117 of the Public Works Act 1981;
    3. the land fourthly described shall thereby become esplanade reserve, vested in the Southland District Council, pursuant to section 345(3) of the Local Government Act 1974.
  3. Pursuant to section 119 of the Public Works Act 1981, the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice be taken for severance. And once taken, shall be added to the Recreation Reserve comprised in Gazette Notice 086380.1 and continue to be subject to the easement rights created by EI 8802163.4

Southland Land District—Southland District

First Schedule

0.1362 Section 1, SO 532228, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title 718936.

Second Schedule

0.4869 Adjoining Lot 17 DP 526428 and Section 9, Block VIII, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 1, SO 549069.
0.1405 Adjoining Section 2, SO 486830 and Section 9, Block VIII, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 2, SO 532228.
0.0775 Adjoining Section 2 SO 486830, Lot 17 DP 526128 and Section 9, Block VIII, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 5, SO 532228.
2.9152 Adjoining Sections 9 and 19 Block VIII, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 3, SO 532228 and Section 2, SO 549069.

Third Schedule

0.0906 Section 6, SO 532228, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title 718936.

Dated at Wellington this 24th day of November 2021.

SANKET PALSHIKAR, for the Minister for Land Information.

(LINZ CPC/2005/10906)