Notice Title

Road Realignment—550, 621, 624 and 645 Black Jack Road, Kuaotunu, Thames–Coromandel District

Publication Date
3 Jun 2022


Roading Districts Public Works Act Thames-Coromandel

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Nina Weir, Land Information New Zealand:

  1. pursuant to section 114, declares the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be road vesting in the Thames-Coromandel District Council;
  2. pursuant to sections 116 and 117, declares the portion of road adjoining or passing through the land described in the Second Schedule to this notice to be stopped and, pursuant to section 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Record of Title 697243;
  3. pursuant to sections 116 and 117, declares the portion of road adjoining or passing through the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice to be stopped and, pursuant to section 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Record of Title 776808;
  4. declares the land described in the Fourth Schedule to this notice to be taken, pursuant to section 119 and pursuant to sections 117 and 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Record of Title 697243 subject to section 59 of the Land Act 1948 (affects part formerly Lot 3 DPS 86513) and Consent Notice 10150990.1;
  5. declares the land described in the Fifth Schedule to this notice to be taken, pursuant to section 119 and pursuant to sections 117 and 120(3), amalgamated with the land in Record of Title 776808 subject to section 59 of the Land Act 1948 (affects part formerly Lot 3 DPS 86513) and Consent Notice 10150990.1; and
  6. pursuant to sections 116 and 117, declares the portion of road adjoining or passing through the land described in the Sixth Schedule to this notice to be stopped and pursuant to section 120(3) amalgamated with the land in Record of Title 776806

on the date of publication hereof in the New Zealand Gazette.

South Auckland Land District—Thames-Coromandel District

First Schedule

Land Declared Road
0.7343 Part Lot 4 DP 487420; shown as Section 1 on SO 570479 (part Record of Title 697246).
0.0188 Part Lot 2 DP 331209; shown as Section 2 on SO 570479 (part Record of Title 697243).

Second Schedule

Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated with Record of Title 697243
0.6369 Lot 2 DP 331209, Lot 4 DP 487420 and Section 10 SO 498776; shown as Section 3 on SO 570479.

Third Schedule

Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated with Record of Title 776808
0.0038 Lot 4 DP 487420 and Section 9 SO 498776; shown as Section 4 on SO 570479.

Fourth Schedule

Severance Land Amalgamated with Record of Title 697243
0.0936 Part Lot 4 DP 487420; shown as Section 5 on SO 570479 (part Record of Title 697246).

Fifth Schedule

Severance Land Amalgamated with Record of Title 776808
0.6176 Part Lot 4 DP 487420; shown as Section 6 on SO 570479 (part Record of Title 697246).

Sixth Schedule

Road to be Stopped and Amalgamated with Record of Title 776806
0.0509 Section 10 SO 498776; shown as Section 8 on SO 570479.

Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of June 2022.

N. WEIR, for the Minister for Land Information

(LINZ CPC/2005/10979)