Declaration of Operational Service for the Purposes of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964
In accordance with section 15 of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 (“Act”), I hereby give the following notice.
1. I declare service:
2. I declare that the declaration for service in the Lebanese Republic will supersede the declaration for:
3. This entitles any member of the New Zealand Defence Force covered by this declaration (and their spouse, civil union partner or de facto partner) to have their remains buried in the part of any cemetery set aside by a local authority for the burial of:
4. Members of other Commonwealth Forces who have undertaken the same operational service and their spouses, civil union partners, and de facto partners may also be interred.
5. As required by the Act, consultation occurred prior to the making of this declaration.
Dated this 7th day of December 2022.
Hon MEKA WHAITIRI, Minister for Veterans.