Notice Type
General Section
Notice Title

Chiropractic Board APC and Disciplinary Levy Fees Notice

Pursuant to sections 130–133 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, te Poari Kaikorohiti o Aotearoa; the Chiropractic Board gives notice that the following fees are payable effective 21 February 2022.

This notice revokes and replaces all previous Chiropractic Board fees notices published in the New Zealand Gazette. The Board agreed to suspend charging the disciplinary levy for the 2022/2023 APC year and will re-evaluate this decision for the subsequent APC year.

All fees charged by the Board are non-refundable, are in $NZD and are inclusive of goods and services tax (GST) of 15%.

Schedule of Fees Payable



Application and processing fee for registration from an applicant who holds a prescribed Qualification, including Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement applications.


Annual Practising Certificate:


Application for Annual Practising Certificate between 1 April and 31 October, includes $0 Disciplinary Levy.


Application for initial Annual Practising Certificate between 1 November and 31 March, includes $0 Disciplinary Levy.


Application for partial year Annual Practising Certificate (three months), includes $0 Disciplinary Levy.


Application for and renewal of maintenance of registration for non-practicing practitioners.




Application for renewal of an expired Annual Practising Certificate within 3 years of expiry, includes $0 Disciplinary Levy.


Application for renewal of an expired Annual Practising Certificate 3 or more years after expiry includes $0 Disciplinary Levy.




Certificate of Registration


Certificate of Good Standing


Copy of Register


Registration Examinations:


To be eligible for registration, practitioners who are educated overseas (and not registered in Australia) must successfully complete an assessment process. The Council on Chiropractic Education Australasia (CCEA) administers the assessment process for the Chiropractic Board. Their fees are available on their website –

Dated at Wellington this 10th day of January 2022.

GLENYS SHARMAN, Registrar/General Manager, Chiropractic Board.

Explanatory Note

Changes to Disciplinary Levy

On 5 October 2021, the Board published a consultation document, outlining the reasons for a proposed change to the disciplinary levy and sought feedback. The Board’s proposal followed an extensive review of fees collected over the past three years and aligned with its financial reserves policies.

Nine responses were received and were considered by the Board on 19 November 2021. The Board resolved to approve the fees outlined in this Notice with an effective date of 21 February 2022.