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Ngā tauākī Marautanga ā-Motu / National Curriculum Statements

E whakahoutia ana te Marau ā-Motu mō ngā kura, e mārakerake ai te herea o te whakaakona me te akoako i te kaupapa Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories, i Te Takanga o Te Wā rānei, hei wāhanga mō te marau o te takiwā, mō ngā marau ā-kura hoki ki ngā kura katoa o te motu. Me mārama, me matatau hoki te hunga ākonga katoa ki ngā mōhiotanga mō te hunga tangata, mō ngā wāhi, mō ngā kaupapa, mō ngā awenga me ngā ākinga i waihanga nei i Aotearoa e mōhiotia nei i ēnei rā.

Ngā tauākī Marautanga ā-Motu hou

te New Zealand Curriculum, ka tāpirihia te Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories ki te wāhanga ako o te Social Sciences. Mō Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, kua tāpirihia Te Takanga o Te Wā kia whai wāhi atu ai ki te wāhanga ako o te Tikanga ā-Iwi.

Nā runga i te tekiona 90 o te Education and Training Act 2020 (me ōna āpitihanga katoa), e whakaputa nei te Minita Mātauranga i te Tauākī Marau ā-Motu mō te Social Sciences kei te New Zealand Curriculum me te Tikanga ā-Iwi kei Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Kia kitea ēnei tauākī

Kia kitea mai te tauākī Marau ā-Motu mō te Social Sciences (me te Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories) ki te New Zealand Curriculum, toro atu ki te pae tukutuku o:

Kia kitea mai te tauākī Marau ā-Motu mō te Tikanga ā-Iwi (me Te Takanga o Te Wā) ki Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, toro atu ki te pae tukutuku o:

Te whakakore me te whakamahi tauākī hou

Atu i te 1 Hanuere 2023 ka whakakorea ngā tauākī marau ā-motu mō te Social Sciences kei te New Zealand Curriculum me te Tikanga ā-Iwi kei Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (Te Kāhiti o Aotearoa, 29 Oketopa 2009, Putanga 157, whārangi 3812).

I tēnei whakaputanga pārongo tae atu ki te whakakorehanga o ngā tauākī nei hei te 1 Hanuere 2023, ko tōna tikanga me whai ngā kura katoa kia motuhenga te whakahaerenga o ngā here marautanga hou mō te whakaako me te akoako i te kaupapa Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories, i Te Takanga o Te Wā rānei.

E whakatika ana tēnei pānui i te National Curriculum: National Curriculum Statements kei Te Kāhiti o Aotearoa, 29 Oketopa 2009, Putanga 157, whārangi 3812.

He mea whakamau tēnei i Te Whanganui-a-Tara, i te 21 o ngā rā o Hepetema 2022.

Hon JAN TINETTI, Te Minita Mātauranga Tuarua mō te Minita Mātauranga.

The National Curriculum for schooling is being updated to make explicit the expectation that the teaching and learning of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories or Te Takanga o Te Wā will be part of the local curriculum and marau ā-kura in every school and kura. All learners and ākonga need to develop knowledge and understanding of the people, places, events, influences and forces that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand historically through to the present day.

New National Curriculum Statements

For The New Zealand Curriculum, Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories is being added to the Social Sciences learning area. For Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, Te Takanga o Te Wā has been updated as part of the Tikanga ā-Iwi wāhanga ako.

Pursuant to section 90 of the Education and Training Act 2020 (incorporating all amendments), the Minister of Education hereby publishes the National Curriculum Statements for Social Sciences in The New Zealand Curriculum and Tikanga ā-Iwi in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Where to Find Them

The National Curriculum statement for Social Sciences (including Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories) within The New Zealand Curriculum is available online at:

The National Curriculum statement for Tikanga ā-Iwi (including Te Takanga o Te Wā) within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa is available online at:

Revocation and Transition to New Statements

The existing National Curriculum statements for Social Sciences within The New Zealand Curriculum and Tikanga ā-Iwi within Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (New Zealand Gazette, 29 October 2009, No. 157, page 3812) are hereby revoked with effect from 1 January 2023.

During the transition period between the publication of this notice and the revocation of the current National Curriculum statements on 1 January 2023, schools and kura should be working towards full implementation of the new curriculum requirements for the teaching and learning of Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories or Te Takanga o Te Wā.

This notice amends National Curriculum: National Curriculum Statements notified in the New Zealand Gazette, 29 October 2009, No. 157, page 3812.

Dated at Wellington this 21st day of September 2022.

Hon JAN TINETTI, Associate Minister of Education on behalf of the Minister of Education.