Notice Title

Justices of the Peace (Retired)

Publication Date
9 Jun 2022


Justices of the Peace Act Retirements Justice

Notice Number

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It is noted for information that pursuant to section 3c(2) of the Justices of the Peace Act 1957, I have authorised the following persons to have the designation Justice of the Peace (JP) (retired):

Elizabeth Mary Evans, of Blenheim

Francis Patrick Bleach, of Christchurch

Gladys Ann Duncan, of Rangiora

Neville Lindsay Richard Cooper, of Hamilton

Maurice Johnston, of Hamilton

Tonga Thomas Katene, of Auckland

Anthony Edward Andrew Gollin, of Auckland

Brian Bernard Robertson, of Upper Hutt

Brian Kevin Smith, of Auckland

John Arthur Clegg, of Whakatane

Michael Douglas Poppelwell, of Hastings

Glennys Violet Ward, of Napier

Anna Emarentia Maria Van Der Geest, of Blackball

Selwyn George Baker, of Waihi

Elva Mary Harwood, of Takaka

Spencer Kai-Yin Cheung, of Auckland

Elizabeth Anne Burnett, of Mount Maunganui

Stanley Allan George Foote, of Feilding

Maxwell Thomas Heron, of Auckland

Lyne Margaret Cameron, of Christchurch

Ann Marie Rawson, of Te Awamutu

Robert John Kirk, of Gore

James Maxwell Affleck, of Owaka

Charles Ding, of Lower Hutt

Dated at Wellington this 8th day of June 2022.

ANDREW KIBBLEWHITE, Secretary for Justice.