LICHFIELD MOTORS (2009) LIMITED (in liquidation)
David Sean Webb and Colin David Owens, both Licensed Insolvency Practitioners, were appointed liquidators jointly and severally of LICHFIELD MOTORS (2009) LIMITED (in liquidation) by a resolution of its shareholder on 28 September 2022 at 10.28am.
3 November 2022 is fixed as the last day for creditors to lodge and establish any priority their claims may have. Creditors who fail to lodge a claim by the distribution date will be excluded from that distribution and may not object to that distribution. Creditors claiming a security interest should urgently provide details to the liquidators.
Enquiries for information relating to the liquidation may be made to Olwyn Funnell at Deloitte, Level 18, Deloitte Centre, 80 Queen Street, Auckland 1010. Telephone: (09) 303 0700. Email:
COLIN OWENS, Liquidator.