Notice Type
Vice Regal
Notice Title

Commission Appointing Dame Alcyion Cynthia Kiro, gnzm, qso, to be Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Realm of New Zealand



ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of New Zealand and Her Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith:

To Our Trusty and Well-beloved DAME ALCYION CYNTHIA KIRO, Dame Grand Companion of Our New Zealand Order of Merit, Companion of Our Service Order:


I. We do by this Our Commission under the Seal of New Zealand, appoint you, the said Dame Alcyion Cynthia Kiro, to be, during Our pleasure, Our Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand.

II. And We do hereby authorise and empower you to exercise the powers and authorities conferred on Our Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief by Our Letters Patent under the Seal of New Zealand bearing date the 28th day of October 1983 and constituting the office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Our Realm of New Zealand, or by any other Letters Patent, altering, amending, or substituting for the same.

III. And We do hereby command you to do and execute those powers and authorities according to—

  1. The tenor of the said Letters Patent and of this Our Commission; and
  2. Such laws as are now or shall hereafter be in force in Our Realm of New Zealand or in any part thereof.

IV. And We do hereby declare that this Our Commission shall take effect on the 21st day of October 2021.

V. We do hereby direct -

  1. That you shall, as soon as convenient after this Our Commission takes effect, and before entering on any of the duties of the office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief, cause this Our Commission to be publicly read in accordance with clause V of the said Letters Patent; and
  2. That you shall, immediately after this Our Commission has been so publicly read, take, as required by the said Letters Patent,—
    1. The Oath of Allegiance; and
    2. The Oath for the due execution of the office of Governor-General.

VI. We do hereby direct and enjoin Our Ministers of the Crown and other Officers, and all other inhabitants of Our Realm of New Zealand, to take notice of this Our Commission and to comply accordingly.

Given at Our Court at Saint James’s and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 14th day of September 2021, in the seventieth year of Our Reign.

By Her Majesty’s Command.


JACINDA ARDERN, Prime Minister of New Zealand.


IRIHAPETI TE TUARUA, nā te huatau o te Atua, te Kuini o Aotearoa me ērā atu o Ōna Whaitua, Rohe hoki, te Upoko o te Kāhui Whenua, te Kaiwawao o te Whakapono:

Ki tō mātau KAHURANGI ALCYION CYNTHIA KIRO, te Kahurangi ka noho hei Tumuaki o Te Tohu Kairangi Matua o Aotearoa me Te Tohu Hapori:


I. Mā Tō Mātau Komihana i raro i te Hīri o Aotearoa, ka tohua koe e te Kahurangi Alcyion Cynthia Kiro kia tū hei Kāwana-Tianara, hei Kaiārahi Matua ki roto, ki runga hoki i Tō Mātau Whenua o Aotearoa.

II. Hei konei ka whakamana i a koe ki te kawe i ngā mana ka ūhia ki runga i Tō Mātau Kāwana-Tianara me Tō Mātau Kaiārahi Matua e Ō Mātau Reta Kāwanatanga i raro i te Hīri o Aotearoa e mau ana i te rā o te 28 o Whiringa-ā-nuku 1983, ā, e whakamana ana i te tari o te Kāwana-Tianara me te Kaiārahi Matua ki roto, ki runga i Tō Mātau Whenua o Aotearoa, e tētahi atu Reta Kāwanatanga ka whakarerekē, ka whakahou, ka whakakapi i te ritenga kotahi.

III. Hei konei ka whakahau i a koe ki te whakatinana me te kawe i aua mana e ai ki—

  1. Te wairua o ngā Reta Kāwanatanga me Tō Mātau Komihana; me
  2. Ngā ture ōnaianei, ngā ture anamata hoki ka tau ki runga i Tō Mātau Whenua o Aotearoa, ki tētahi atu wāhanga rānei kua whakatakoto kētia.

IV. Ā, hei konei ka tauākī Mātau ka whakatinanahia tēnei Tō Mātau Komihana i te 21 o Oketopa 2021.

V. Hei konei e tohutohu ana Mātau -

  1. Me mahi e koe kia pānui ā-tūmatanui tēnei Tō Mātau Komihana e ai ki te wāhanga V o ngā Reta Kāwanatanga, arā, i muri i te whakatinanatanga o tēnei Tō Mātau Komihana, i mua hoki i te kawe i ngā mahi a te tari o te Kāwana-Tianara me te Kaiārahi Matua; ā,
  2. I muri tata i te pānuitanga ā-tūmatanui i tēnei Tō Mātau Komihana, me whakapuaki e koe e ai ki ngā Reta Kāwanatanga,—
    1. Te Kī Taurangi Piripono; me
    2. Te Kī Taurangi mō te kawe i ngā mahi a te tari o te Kāwana-Tianara.

VI. Hei konei mātau ka tohutohu, ka whakakotahi i Ō Mātau Minita o te Karauna me ētahi atu Āpiha, ā, me ngā kainoho katoa o Tō Mātau Whenua o Aotearoa kia aro, kia ū ki tēnei Tō Mātau Komihana.

I hoatu ki Tō Mātau Kōti i Hato Hēmi, ā, ka tukua atu ki raro i te Hīri o Aotearoa, i tēnei rā te 14 o Mahuru o 2021, i te tau Whitu Tekau o Tō Mātau Kuinitanga.

Nā Te Ringa Tohu a Te Kuini.


JACINDA ARDERN, Te Pirimia o Aotearoa.