Notice Title

Land Transfer Act Notice

Publication Date
14 Dec 2021


Land Transfer Act Land Registrar notices Hamilton

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I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of a Record of Title to the below-named applicant pursuant to section 155 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the land described below.

Such Record of Title may be issued and existing estates and interests determined unless a caveat preventing that is lodged with me by a person claiming an estate or interest in the land described below on or before 18 March 2022.

Application 11847249.1 by Redhills Green Limited, c/- Daniel Overton and Goulding Solicitors, 33 Selwyn Street Onehunga Auckland 1061 (PO Box 13017, Onehunga Auckland 1643) for an estate in fee simple in 6343 square metres more or less being Lot 8 Deposited Plan 543024 being part of the land contained in Record of Title NA95/60 North Auckland Land District.

The registered owner of the above land is Edward Hunt and William Astle and the land is situated adjoining to the north western boundary of 29 Red Hills Road, Massey, Auckland.

Dated at Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, Hamilton, this 6th day of December 2021.

LYNETTE BARON, for Registrar-General of Land.