Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
The applicant described below has applied under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 for the extinguishment of a Right of Way. The applicant claims the Right of Way is redundant by reason of the circumstances set out below.
I intend to extinguish the Right of Way if no objections have been received before 23 December 2021. You may object by giving notice to the Registrar-General of Land by 23 December 2021.
Land Registration District: Otago
Application Number: 12158656.1
Applicant: Lowburn Land Holdings LP, c/- Anderson Lloyd, Level 2, 13 Camp Street, Queenstown 9300.
Easement: Right of way over part Lot 1 Deposited Plan (DP) 399543 marked F, H, A, J, L, Q and N on DP 399543 in Record of Title 397150 owned by Mitre Rocks Vineyard Limited and over part Lot 2 DP 399543 marked T, M, P, S and B on DP 399543 in Record of Title 397151 owned by Mitre Rocks Vineyard Limited and over part Lot 3 DP 399543 marked C on DP 399543 in Record of Title 397152 owned by Chard Farm Trustees Limited and over part Lot 4 DP 399543 marked D on DP 399543 in Record of Title 397153 owned by Chard Farm Trustees Limited and over part Lot 5 DP 399543 marked O on DP 399543 in Record of Title 397154 owned by Chard Farm Trustees Limited, for the benefit of Lot 1 DP 559488 in Record of Title 985199 owned by Lowburn Land Holdings LP created by Transfer 6267740.3 registered on 24 December 2004.
Circumstances: The benefited land no longer adjoins the burdened land as a result of subdivision on Deposited Plan 559488 and as a result, the easement has no practical effect.
Dated at Land Information New Zealand, Hamilton, this 25th day of November 2021.
LYNETTE BARON, for Registrar-General of Land.