Land Transfer Act Notice
I hereby give notice of an application lodged with me for the issue of a Record of Title to the below-named applicant pursuant to section 155 Land Transfer Act 2017 for the land described below.
Such Record of Title may be issued and existing estates and interests determined unless a caveat preventing that is lodged with me by a person claiming an estate or interest in the land described below on or before 9 February 2022.
Application 11895496.1 by Christopher Ronald Charles Hazlewood, c/- Berry & Co, Solicitors, PO Box 10, Oamaru 9444 for an estate in fee simple in 2000m2 more or less being Lot 1 Deposited Plan 551846 being part of the land contained in Records of Title OT26/109 and OT8/256 Otago Land District.
The registered owner of Record of Title OT26/109 is Thomas Hastie and of Record of Title OT8/256 is Charles Oscar Wilson and the land is situated at 12 and 14 Worcester Street, Hampden (near Liverpool Street).
Dated at Christchurch this 5th day of November 2021.
C. CLEWS, for Registrar-General of Land.