Notice Title

Land Declared Road, Land Taken for Severance, Road Stopped and Amalgamated—Southern Coastal Route, Southland District

Publication Date
7 Jul 2021


Roading Districts Public Works Act Southland

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the Public Works Act 1981, and to a delegation from the Minister for Land Information, Kerry McPhail, Land Information New Zealand, declares that:

  1. Pursuant to section 114, the land described in the First Schedule to this notice to be road and shall vest in the Southland District Council.
  2. Pursuant to section 116 of the Public Works Act 1981 that:
    1. the portion of road firstly described in the Second Schedule to this notice be stopped. And once stopped, shall be amalgamated with the land comprised in Record of Title SL8B/936 and be subject to mortgage 11812526.1.
    2. the portion of road secondly described in the Second Schedule to this notice be stopped. And once stopped, shall be amalgamated with the land comprised in Record of Title SL8A/395 and be subject to mortgage 9472974.3.
    3. the portion of road thirdly described in the Second Schedule to this notice be stopped. And once stopped, shall be amalgamated with the land comprised in Record of Title SL7C/343, and be subject to mortgage 8014513.1.
  3. Pursuant to section 119 of the Public Works Act 1981, the land described in the Third Schedule to this notice be taken for severance. And once taken, shall be amalgamated with the land comprised in Record of Title SL8A/395 and be subject to mortgage 9472974.3.

Southland Land District—Southland District

First Schedule

0.0672 Section 1, SO 529156, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL8D/181.
0.5906 Sections 4, 5, 6 and 8, SO 529156, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SL8B/936.
0.2310 Sections 7 and 9, SO 529156, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL200/73.
0.0324 Sections 1 and 2, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SLB2/995.
0.0470 Sections 3 and 4, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL7A/500.
0.0933 Sections 5 and 7, SO 532827, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 597212.
0.0123 Section 10, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL9A/518.
0.0047 Section 13, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL12B/344.
0.0144 Sections 15 and 43, SO 532827, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 893152.
0.0308 Sections 16, 18 and 42, SO 532827, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 881480.
0.1066 Section 17, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL6D/916.
0.0484 Sections 20, 21, 24 and 25 SO 532827, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SLA1/711.
0.0486 Section 26, SO 532827, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL68/291.
0.0329 Section 19, SO 532827 and Section 21, SO 526612, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SL151/72.
0.0853 Sections 22 and 23, SO 532827 and Sections 19 and 20, SO 526612, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 227341.
0.1445 Section 16, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL5C/101.
0.0842 Section 15, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL7B/469.
0.0475 Sections 12, 13 and 14, SO 526612, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 535316.
0.2974 Sections 9, 10 and 11, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title 298870.
0.0761 Sections 7 and 8, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL9A/910.
0.0416 Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, SO 526612, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SL9A/909.
0.2294 Section 1, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL9A/911.
0.3003 Sections 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, SO 533544, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SLA4/366.
0.0270 Section 2, SO 533544, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL10B/412.
0.1083 Section 7, SO 533544, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL140/118.
0.0011 Section 8, SO 533544, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL9C/81.
0.0064 Section 9, SO 533544, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title 554159. 
0.2122 Sections 10, 11 and 12, SO 533544, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SL6B/618.
0.0821 Sections 13 and 16, SO 533544, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title 553877.
0.0202 Sections 14 and 15, SO 533544, being parts of the land comprised in Record of Title SL176/128.

Second Schedule

0.1333 Adjoining Section 1 and Parts Section 2, Block I, Otara Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 2, SO 529156.
0.1628 Adjoining Sections 52 and 55, Block IX, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 18, SO 526612.
0.6255 Adjoining Part Sections 1 and 23, and Section 24, Block IX, Waikawa Survey District, more particularly defined as Section 2, SO 526612.

Third Schedule

0.1308 Section 17, SO 526612, being part of the land comprised in Record of Title SL5C/101.

Dated at Wellington this 2nd day of July 2021.

KERRY McPHAIL, for the Minister for Land Information.

(LINZ CPC/2005/10906)