Notice Type
Land Notices
Notice Title

Notice of Decisions to Assign, Alter, and Discontinue Undersea Feature Names

Pursuant to sections 10(1)(d) and 25 of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008, the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (“Board”) gives notice of 13 assigned, two altered, and one discontinued undersea feature names beyond New Zealand’s 12 nautical mile territorial limit, as described in the Schedule below.

The Board’s final determinations on these undersea feature names took effect on 27 May 2021.


Assigned, Altered, or Discontinued Undersea Feature Name Description
Aho Ridge An undersea ridge in the Southern Ocean at -73.2266 latitude, -164.2136 longitude. Assigned as official.
Benjamin Bowring Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -68.5000 latitude, 171.6000 longitude. Assigned as official.
Helen ES Clark Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -72.8000 latitude, -160.3000 longitude. Assigned as official.
Hinemoa Deep An undersea deep at the southern end of Kermadec Trench and approximately 190km northeast of East Cape, at -37.0483 latitude, -179.6616 longitude. Assigned as official.
Hinemoa Seamount The feature does not exist. No longer a recorded undersea feature name, and so is discontinued.
Joseph Gilbert Seamount An undersea seamount at the southern edge of Lord Howe Rise, on the continental slope at -42.8717 latitude, 164.0667 longitude. Alteration from Gilbert Seamount (official by New Zealand Gazette, 19 July 2012, No. 86, page 2385).
Kūmara Hill An undersea hill in the Southern Ocean at -66.6677 latitude, 167.9915 longitude. Assigned as official.
Mahetau Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -68.9000 latitude, -174.9000 longitude. Assigned as official.
Mestayer Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -70.2000 latitude, -171.900 longitude. Assigned as official.
Pōhā Hill An undersea hill in the Southern Ocean at -70.6232 latitude, 176.7986 longitude. Assigned as official.
Pohau Hills Undersea hills in the Southern Ocean at -71.2487 latitude, 173.6882 longitude. Assigned as official.
Puka Guyot An undersea guyot in the Southern Ocean at -68.8000 latitude, -178.7000 longitude. Assigned as official.
Tuaki Hill An undersea hill in the Southern Ocean at -72.1733 latitude, -159.6014 longitude. Assigned as official.
Tūranganui Valley An undersea valley trending west-east off the central part of the continental slope, from -38.6917 latitude, 178.7116 longitude to -38.7160 latitude, 178.8158 longitude. Alteration from Gisborne Sea Valley (recorded undersea feature name).
Upokororo Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -73.0608 latitude, -163.8215 longitude. Assigned as official.
William Benham Seamount An undersea seamount in the Southern Ocean at -69.500 latitude, 175.6000 longitude. Assigned as official.

Dated at Wellington this 27th day of May 2021.

W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.