MOUNTAIN VIEW PACIFIC ISLANDERS (SAMOAN) CHURCH INCORPORATED (Incorporated Society Number: 1133777) (“Society”) also known as Alia-O-Manu Presbyterian Samoa Christian Church, pursuant to section 27(1) of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 (“Act”).
Take notice that the Registrar of Incorporated Societies (“Registrar”) has, following the application of the Society under section 27 of the Act for surplus assets of the Society which was dissolved by the Registrar on 3 March 2016, directs that:
for the specific purpose of completing renovations to their respective church buildings.
Before these funds are transferred to the foregoing bank accounts, the Registrar directs that the Society:
These directions shall become final on 10 January 2022. No appeal shall lie unless notice thereof is delivered before that date.
Dated this 7th day of December 2021.
MICHAEL BROSNAHAN, Assistant Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
Address for Delivery of Appeals: By post to The Registrar of Incorporated Societies, Level 1, 162 Victoria Street West, Auckland 1010 or by email to