Notice Title

Notice Under the Social Security Act 2018

Publication Date
27 Oct 2021


Social Security Act Instruments Social Development

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Notice is given of the making of the following instrument by the Minister for Social Development and Employment.

Authority for Instrument

Title or Subject Matter

Date of Enactment

Social Security Act 2018, section 101

Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Amendment (No 2) 2021


A copy of the instrument is available for free at:

This instrument, which comes into force on 26 October 2021, amends the Employment and Work Readiness Assistance Programme established and approved on 6 March 2014. This instrument amends the Schedule by increasing the duration of accommodation assistance available for people offered employment under the New Zealand Seasonal Work Scheme, to support them to undertake seasonal work in New Zealand.

The instrument is a disallowable instrument for the purposes of the Legislation Act 2012 and is administered by the Ministry of Social Development.

Dated this 27th day of October 2021.

Hon CARMEL SEPULONI, Minister for Social Development and Employment.