Notice Type
Notice Title

Removal of Trade Name Products From the Register of Trade Name Products (Notice No. MPI 1397)

Pursuant to section 22(3)(b) of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 (“Act”), I hereby give notice that the registration of the following products, as trade name products, have expired or been cancelled and have been removed from the Register of Trade Name Products:

Registration Number Trade Name Products
P004588 Agpro Simazine 500
P007790 Cobber
P009592 Kiwiagri Flumetsulam 800WG
P009666 Kiwiagri Imidacloprid 600 SC
P009669 Kiwiagri Clopyralid 300SL
P009675 Kiwiagri MCPA + MCPB 400SL
P009685 Kiwiagri Propyzamide 500SC
P009483 Kiwiagri Metsulfuron 600WG
P008386 AGPRO Acetochlor 840
P004608 AGPRO Propazine 500
P008330 AGPRO Chlorothalonil 720SC
P008814 AGPRO Dicamba 500
P008091 Canyon

The importation and the manufacture of the products listed above are prohibited from the date of the publication of this notice.

Pursuant to section 22(3)(c) of the Act, any of the products listed above may continue to be sold and used (but not manufactured) until its manufactured expiry date, but not at any time after that date.

Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of October 2021.

MAREE ZINZLEY, Manager Approvals, Ministry for Primary Industries (acting under delegated authority).