Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2021 Notice No. 8

Publication Date
28 Jan 2021


Marriage Act Marriage celebrants removed from list Internal Affairs

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Marriage Act 1955, it is hereby notified that the following names will be removed from the list of marriage celebrants under sections 8 and 10 of the Act as at 28 January 2021.

Badger, Julie

Chapman, Lorelle

Chisholm, Lindsay

Cola, Iliesa

Cola, Litiana

Collins, Patricia

Davis, Ngaire

Davis, Shar

Dewe, Muriel

Dongcheol, Daniel

Dorans, Robert

Drummond, Bryn

Freeman, Ruth

Gane, Rebecca

Gillibrand, Fiona

Graham, David

Grant, Gowrie

Hamilton, Joan

Hansen, Neil

Harris, Mark

Harrison-Boyd, Pamela

Holdgate, Barbara

Holmes, Christopher

Howell, Barbara

Howell, Willis

Kim, Byoung-sun

Layt, Mervyn

Londhe, Ameet

Londhe, Jessica

Macann, Geoffrey

Maikali, Jeke

McKie, Ian

Nathan, Judith

Nye, Emil

Park, Yoon-hee

Rogers, Nicola

Thompson, Agnes

Tubbs, Shirley

Wright, Evadne

Dated at Wellington this 28th day of January 2021.

JEFF MONTGOMERY, Registrar-General.