Notice Title

Notice of Approval Under Section 160(3) of the Crown Entities Act 2004

Publication Date
28 May 2021


Crown Entities Act Approvals The Treasury

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Pursuant to section 160(3) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, I, Vincent Peter Schumacher, Senior Solicitor, acting under delegated authority from the Secretary to the Treasury, give notice that on or about 1 March 2021, Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, Hon Damien O’Connor, Minister of Agriculture, and Hon Meka Whaitiri, Associate Minister of Agriculture (Animal Welfare) gave approvals under section 160(1)(b) of the Crown Entities Act 2004, in relation to section 162 of that Act, for the New Zealand Walking Access Commission to borrow from Westpac New Zealand Limited.

Dated at Wellington this 7th day of May 2021.

VINCENT PETER SCHUMACHER, Senior Solicitor, The Treasury.