Notice Title

Civil Union Celebrants for 2021 Notice No. 10

Publication Date
20 May 2021


Civil Union Act Lists of civil union celebrants Internal Affairs

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the provisions of sections 26 and 27 of the Civil Union Act 2004, the following persons have been appointed as civil union celebrants for the period of 4 May 2021 to 20 May 2021:

Baxter-Rodden, Chelsea

Ellis, Jacky

Evans, Jasmine

Fredericks, Clive

Gillespie, Danielle

Johnston, Rachel

Kennedy, Jared

Knowles, Margaret

Olsen, Brad

Orton, Louise

Pettit, Scott

Pulman, Helen

Toalima, Areta

Viles, Alice

Dated at Wellington this 20th day of May 2021.

JEFF MONTGOMERY, Registrar-General.