Notice Title

Marriage Celebrants for 2021 Notice No. 30

Publication Date
22 Apr 2021


Marriage Act Lists of marriage celebrants Internal Affairs

Notice Number

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Pursuant to the provisions of section 11 of the Marriage Act 1955, the following names of marriage celebrants within the meaning of the said Act are published for general information:

Amner, Harold

Arthur-Worsop, Mark

Bainbridge, Gemma

Bamford, Jonny

Bowden, Dominic

Brown, Narelle

Chisholm, Emily

Collie, Jenny

Dixon, Craig

Doerner, Susanne

Ford, Dyanne

Gulasekharam, Jason

Hayward, Janet

Heaslip, Wendy

Holley, Gaylene

Hughes, Simon

Joseph, Margaret

Kampshof, Jilly

Lacey, Charlotte

Mclean, Sarita

Nelson, Renee

Nicholson, Helene

Philips, Judy

Pollok, Amy

Reymer, Christina

Scurr, Clare

Sullivan, Robert

Thorne, Mario

Tomlinson, Bruce

Vegas, Peter

Wallace, Brett

Dated at Wellington this 22nd day of April 2021.

JEFF MONTGOMERY, Registrar-General.