Notice Title

Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004—Two-aspect Roundabout Metering Traffic Signals Further Trial

Publication Date
15 Dec 2021


Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices Notices NZ Transport Agency

Notice Number

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Pursuant to subclause 3.4(11) of Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices 2004 (“Rule”) and a delegation from Waka Kotahi, the NZ Transport Agency, I, Kane Patena, Director of Land Transport, authorise the installation, maintenance and operation of two-aspect traffic signals at the approaches to a roundabout:

  1. for the purpose described in Schedule 1;
  2. in the form, layout and complying with the operating requirements set out in Schedule 2;
  3. at the location stated in Schedule 3;
  4. for the period specified in Schedule 4; and
  5. subject to the conditions and evaluation outlined in Schedule 5.

The two-aspect traffic signals may be installed for the purpose of evaluating their use and the trial will be called the “two-aspect roundabout metering traffic signals further trial”.

For the purposes of the trial, the yellow and red traffic signals authorised in this notice are equivalent to the yellow and red traffic signal aspects in Section 6 and Schedule 3 of the Rule.

Schedule 1—Purpose of Trial

The purpose of the trial is to:

  1. enable the installation and operation of two-aspect traffic signals as an alternative to three-aspect traffic signals described in 6.4(1), 6.4(3), 6.4(13) of the Rule and Schedule 3 of the Rule;
  2. evaluate the safety and effectiveness of two-aspect traffic signal control at the approach to a roundabout when signal control is being used to periodically manage (meter) the traffic flow entering the roundabout;
  3. assess drivers’ understanding of and compliance with two-aspect traffic signals; and
  4. assess drivers’ behaviour at the approaches controlled by two-aspect traffic signals.

Schedule 2—Form, Layout and Operation of Two-aspect Signals

  1. The two-aspect traffic signal displays must comprise a red disc signal above a yellow disc signal;
  2. the disc signals must conform to the shape and size of the displays specified in Schedule 3 of the Rule (in figure S1-1). The colour and brightness of the signal displays must comply with AS/NZS2144:2002 traffic signal lanterns;
  3. the operational sequence of two-aspect traffic signals must be:
    1. a steady yellow signal displayed for at least three seconds, followed by;
    2. a steady red signal, displayed for at least three seconds and timed to address the traffic delay issue, followed by;
    3. a blank display for at least three seconds, followed by the sequence commencing with (c)(i) when appropriate;
    4. when metering is not required neither yellow nor red aspect is displayed;
  4. there must be at least one primary traffic signal display at the point of entry to the area controlled by the roundabout metering traffic signals and at least one supplementary traffic signal display visible to driver stopped at the limit line;
  5. a white limit line, at least 300mm wide, must be marked at the point of entry to the area controlled by traffic signals and not less than 30 metres from the roundabout give way limit line; and
  6. an R2-6 “STOP ON RED SIGNAL” sign must be installed on each pole supporting the primary traffic signal displays;
  7. give way roundabout signs installed on the approaches controlled by the metering signals must comply with schedule 1 and be mounted on a reflectorised, fluorescent yellow-green backing board that provides a border of at least 150mm.

Schedule 3—Location

The following locations are approved for this trial:

Road Controlling Authority Location Approach Metered with Two-aspect Traffic Signals
NZ Transport Agency and Tauranga City Council State Highway 5, and State Highway 36 intersection (Ngongotaha Roundabout) State Highway 5 (Eastbound approach) to the Ngongotaha Roundabout (Intersection of State Highway 5 and State Highway 36)

Schedule 4—Period of Trial

The trial may begin after publication of this notice and, unless terminated earlier, must end by 1 October 2022.

Schedule 5—Conditions and Evaluation

An evaluation must be undertaken, and a report produced with analysis, conclusions and recommendations that build on the learnings and recommendations from the previous trials (State Highway 29 / Pyes Pa Road, Barkes Corner; State Highway 2 / Elizabeth Street; and Paremata roundabout) for the future application of two-aspect traffic signals used for metering at approaches to roundabouts. The report must include assessment of:

  1. the nature of the problem the proposal seeks to overcome;
  2. drivers’ recognition and understanding of and compliance with the two-aspect traffic signals at State Highway 5 / State Highway 36 roundabout;
  3. any feedback received from drivers and the public in general;
  4. any operational issues or incidents which arose during the trial and how they were resolved;
  5. additional observations on the overall safety and traffic management benefits of two-aspect signals at approaches to roundabouts, including but not be limited to, traffic volumes and approach speeds at all limit lines, driver behaviour and drivers’ compliance with the traffic signal and roundabout give way limit lines;
  6. any additional conditions necessary to ensure safe operation and implementation of two-aspect traffic signals at approaches to roundabouts as a standard traffic management tool throughout New Zealand; and
  7. any missing, damaged or malfunctioning signal/sign must be repaired or replaced as soon as possible during the trial.

A final evaluation report must be sent to the Manager Network Safety by 1 December 2022.

Signed at Wellington this 14th day of December 2021.

KANE PATENA, Director of Land Transport, Waka Kotahi.