Notice Title

New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2021/6

Publication Date
17 May 2021


Government Roading Powers Act Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Bylaws NZ Transport Agency

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Pursuant to section 61(3) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989, and the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017, the NZ Transport Agency hereby makes the following bylaw.


1. Title and Commencement—This bylaw is the New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Amendment Bylaw 2021/6 and will come into force on and from 14 June 2021.

2. Amendments—The New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Bylaw 2010/10* is hereby amended by:

  • Amending line 15 in Schedule 1 to read:
    “Line No.: 15
    Region: 1
    SH No.: 1
    Locality: Kamo Bypass
    Section of State Highway: From 100m south of Great North Road to 40m north of Kamo Road.
    Speed Limit (km/h): 80
    Date revoked: 14/06/2021
    Speed Limit Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2017
    New Zealand Gazette Reference: 17 May 2021, Notice No. 2021-au1746”
  • Inserting line 15(1) in Schedule 1 to read:
    “Line No.: 15(1)
    Region: 1
    SH No.: 1
    Locality: Kamo Bypass
    Section of State Highway: From 1717695, 6051856, approximately 100m south of Great North Road to NZTM2000 1718688, 6049537, approximately 300m north of Puna Rere Drive.
    Speed Limit (km/h): 80km/h
    Effective date: 14/06/2021
    Speed Limit Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2017
    New Zealand Gazette Reference: 17 May 2021, Notice No. 2021-au1746”
  • Inserting line 15A in Schedule 1 to read:
    “Line No.: 15A
    Region: 1
    SH No.: 1
    Locality: Kamo Bypass
    Section of State Highway: From NZTM2000 1718688, 6049537, approximately 300m north of Puna Rere Drive to NZTM2000 1718859, 6048608, approximately 40m north of Kamo Road.
    Speed Limit (km/h): 60
    Effective date: 14/06/2021
    Speed Limit Rule: Setting of Speed Limits Rule 2017
    New Zealand Gazette Reference: 17 May 2021, Notice No. 2021-au1746”

Explanatory Note

This note is not part of the bylaw, but is intended to indicate its general effect.

This bylaw, which comes into force on and from 14 June 2021, amends the New Zealand Transport Agency (Speed Limits on State Highways) Bylaw 2010/10.

Dated at Wellington this 30th day of April 2021.

Signed on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency by:
VANESSA BROWNE, National Manager Programme and Standards, Transport Services, Office of the GM TS, NZ Transport Agency.

*Supplement to the New Zealand Gazette, 1 September 2010, No. 112, page 2967.