KEARNS FAMILY TRUST (in receivership)
Notice is hereby given that on 9 December 2021, Rees Logan (BDO Auckland) and Diana Matchett (BDO Christchurch), both chartered accountants and Licensed Insolvency Practitioners (Registration Numbers: IP34 and IP110 respectively), were appointed joint and several receivers and managers of the trust by Bridgewest Finance NZ Limited Partnership under the terms of a composite general security deed and cross guarantee dated 12 March 2020.
The property in receivership is all the trust’s present and after-acquired property and land.
The Receivers’ Office Address is: BDO Auckland, BDO Centre, Level 4, 4 Graham Street, Auckland 1140. Postal Address: BDO Auckland, PO Box 2219, Auckland 1140. Email:
Dated this 9th day of December 2021.
REES LOGAN, Receiver.