Notice is given that on 10 August 2021, Alex Cadwallader and Neil Bennett, both insolvency practitioners of Leonard Curtis Limited (United Kingdom company), 5th Floor, Grove House 248A Marylebone Road, London, United Kingdom, NW1 6BB (“Receivers”), were appointed as joint receivers and managers in respect of the freehold property known as Round Hill, Compton Avenue, London N6 4LB of ROOSEVELT & PARTNERS (NZ) LIMITED by Credit Suisse (UK) Limited (United Kingdom company) under a Legal Charge dated 20 April 2018.
The Office Address of the Receivers is: Leonard Curtis Limited, 5th Floor, Grove House 248A Marylebone Road, London, United Kingdom, NW1 6BB.
Dated this 17th day of August 2021.
ALEX CADWALLADER and NEIL BENNETT, Insolvency Practitioners.