LP106 LIMITED (formerly LEASEPLUS LIMITED) (in liquidation)
Company Number: 6281628
NZBN: 9429046126375
Notice is hereby given that the liquidation of LP106 LIMITED (in liquidation) commenced on 5 February 2021 at 4.27pm when the shareholders appointed Murray G. Allott, Licenced Insolvency Practitioner, as liquidator in accordance with section 241(2)(a) of the Companies Act 1993 by the passing of a special resolution by entry in the company minute book.
Pursuant to section 245 of the Companies Act 1993, the liquidator will dispense with a meeting of creditors in order to keep costs to a minimum and maximize potential returns to creditors.
Any enquiries by creditors or shareholders may be directed to the liquidator.
Address of Liquidator: 44 Mandeville Street, Riccarton, Christchurch 8011. Postal Address: PO Box 29432, Christchurch 8440. Telephone: (03) 365 1028. Email: admin@profitco.co.nz.
MURRAY G. ALLOTT, Liquidator.
Note: Any creditors claiming a security interest in company property should provide details of the secured debt owing and copies of all security documentation to the liquidator urgently.