Notice Pursuant to Section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017
An application under section 115 of the Land Transfer Act 2017 has been received for the removal of an easement. The applicant claims the easement is extinguished by reason of the circumstances set out below.
If no objections have been received before 2 February 2021, the register will be updated to record the easement as redundant.
Application Number: 11412635.1
Applicant: Orion New Zealand Limited, PO Box 13896, Christchurch 8141.
Easement: Drainage rights over part Lot 27 DP 316862 marked X on Deposited Plan (DP) 316862 in Record of Title (RT) 65897 owned by Leslie Arthur Duckmanton and Shirley Edith Duckmanton, over part Lot 28 DP 316862 marked Y on DP 316862 in RT 65898 owned by John Francis Hazeldine and Sharon Raji Hazeldine, over part Lot 32 DP 316862 marked Z on DP 316862 in RT 65902 owned by Lynda Jane Smart and New Zealand Trustee Services Limited, over part Lot 31 DP 316862 marked AA on DP 316862 in RT 65901 owned by Nicola Marie A’Court, over part Lot 76 DP 316862 marked W on DP 316862 in RT 65940 and over part Lot 75 DP 316862 marked AB on DP 316862 in RT 65939 owned by Christchurch City Council for the benefit of Lot 503 DP 520852 in RT 822494 owned by Orion New Zealand Limited created by Application 9377 registered on 9 September 1902.
Circumstances: The benefited land has been separated from the burdened land by subdivision on DP 19484.
Dated this 18th day of December 2020.
AUDREY WONG, for Registrar-General of Land.