Notice Title

Declaration That Land is Reserve

Publication Date
27 Oct 2020


Reserves Act Land notices Thames-Coromandel

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Pursuant to section 14 of the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Thames-Coromandel District Council, pursuant to a resolution passed at its Ordinary Meeting of 23 June 2020, hereby declares the land described in the First Schedule as a recreation reserve hereto, in the Second Schedule hereto as local purpose (esplanade) reserve and in the Third Schedule hereto as local purpose (community use) reserve, subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

South Auckland Land District—Thames–Coromandel District

First Schedule

Land Declared Recreation Reserve
0.4110 Lot 6 DPS 4704 (part Record of Title SA712/368).
0.4499 Lot 31 DPS 10803 (all Record of Title SA25A/86).
0.1467 Part Wharetangata 6 Block (all Record of Title SA573/157).
2.1010 Lot 2 DPS 15745 (all Record of Title SA22C/973).
1.0900 Part Allotment 1 Parish of Mahakirau (all Record of Title SA28B/764).
1.3376 Part Whakapoi 2 Block (all Records of Title SA28A/856, SA28A/857 and SA69A/129).

Second Schedule

Land Declared Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve
1.6168 Lot 1 DPS 44436 (all Record of Title SA43B/370).
0.5663 Kaokaotunoa 2B44 Block (all Record of Title SA3D/665).

Third Schedule

Land Declared Local Purpose (Community Use) Reserve
0.1310 Lot 2 DPS 25640 (all Record of Title SA24A/398).

Dated at Thames this 22nd day of October 2020.

ROBERT TUDOR WILLIAMS, Chief Executive, Thames-Coromandel District Council.