Notice Title

Revocation of the Reservation Over Reserves and Specifying the Manner of Disposal

Publication Date
2 Sep 2020


Reserves Act Land notices Thames-Coromandel

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Pursuant to the Reserves Act 1977, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Operations Manager, Department of Conservation, Hauraki District, revokes the reservation as local purpose reserve over the land described in the Schedule, and declares that the land may be disposed of by the Thames-Coromandel District Council in such manner and on terms and conditions as the Council determines.

South Auckland Land District—Thames–Coromandel District


130 Lot 3 DPS 82122 (Record of Title SA64D/457)
390 Lot 5 DPS 72152 (Record of Title SA58A/351)
130 Lot 3 DPS 65784 (Record of Title SA58D/199)

Dated at Thames this 1st day of September 2020.

AVI HOLZAPFEL, Operations Manager, Department of Conservation, Hauraki District.

(DOC Ref: R169605)