A related notice was published on 4 September 2023, Notice No. 2023-ln4145.

Notice Title

Classification of Reserve

Publication Date
24 Aug 2020


Reserves Act Land notices Waipa

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977, and pursuant to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, Waipa District Council, pursuant to resolution IC03/20/06 dated 16 June 2020, hereby classifies the land in the Schedule to this notice as local purpose (cemetery) reserve, subject to the provisions of the said Act, to be known as the Te Awamutu Cemetery.

South Auckland Land District—Waipa District


Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve
3.9710 Lot 1 DPS 8278, Lot 1 DPS 3741, Lot 1 DP 31501 and the land on DP 7848 (Computer Freehold Register SA3A/943)
0.8175 Section 1 SO 408219 (Record of Title 471373)

Dated at Te Awamutu this 19th day of August 2020.

GARRY DYET, Chief Executive, Waipa District Council.