A corrigendum to this notice was published on 22 July 2020, Notice No. 2020-ln3243.

Notice Title

Notice of Approved Official Geographic Names

Pursuant to sections 10(1)(b), 24(2)(a) and 21(2) of the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa) Act 2008, the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa (“Board”) gives notice of 273 approved official geographic names as described in the Schedule below.

The Board’s final determination on these approved official geographic names took effect on 16 July 2020.


Approved Official Geographic Name Geographic Feature Type Map and Grid Reference
Adkin Hill NZTopo50-BN34 060796
Ahiaruhe Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 168449
Andersons Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 386367
Angle Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 037759
Angle Knob Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 021773
Aokaparangi Hill NZTopo50-BP33 986712
Aokaparangi Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 968724
Arapawaiti Hill NZTopo50-BN32 624789
Arapawaiti Point Point NZTopo50-BN32 620791
Arawhata Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 432314
Aro Valley Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 476271
Arthurs Nose Point NZTopo50-BQ31 500219
Balaena Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 510272
Baldy Hill NZTopo50-BP34 062763
Baldy Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP34 072771
Barrett Reef Reef NZTopo50-BQ31 536215
Berhampore Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 486241
Big Swamp Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 137441
Bismark Creek Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 414404
Black Gully Valley NZTopo50-BQ31 373292
Bluff Hill NZTopo50-BQ34 245352
Boom Rock Island NZTopo50-BQ31 459402
Booths Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP34 136575
Boyd-Wilson Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 928663
Breaker Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 534228
Breaker Bay Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 527225
British Peak Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 454311
Broadmeadows Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 503337
Brockett Hill NZTopo50-BN34 067814
Broken Axe Pinnacles Hill NZTopo50-BP34 049773
Brooklyn Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 476258
Bush Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 390371
Carkeek Hill NZTopo50-BN33 037843
Carrington Locality NZTopo50-BP34 123622
Carterton Town NZTopo50-BP34 126555
Cave Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 377237
Chaffers Passage Channel NZTopo50-BQ31 533218
Churton Park Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 514372
Clareville Locality NZTopo50-BP34 145572
Concertina Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 979674
Crawford Creek Stream NZTopo50-BN33 001789
Crofton Downs Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 477311
Dalefield Locality NZTopo50-BP34 093546
Deep Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 017623
Devil Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 025580
Donnelly Flat Flat NZTopo50-BP34 079694
Dorset Creek Stream NZTopo50-BN33 036790
Dorset Ridge Ridge NZTopo50-BN33 038801
East Waitewaewae River Stream NZTopo50-BN33 966834
Eclipse Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 336291
Elsdon Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 488213
Evans Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 512254
Eve Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 529226
Far Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 451350
Fern Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP33 016594
First Creek Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 471324
Flat Point Point NZTopo50-BQ35 482299
Flax Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 527223
Flaxy Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 014685
Francis Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 023744
Gentle Annie Saddle Pass NZTopo50-BP34 070679
Gibraltar Rock Rock NZTopo50-BQ31 525216
Gladstone Locality NZTopo50-BP34 221483
Glenside Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 522370
Grenada North Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 540389
Grenada Village Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 529368
Greta Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 512260
Hawkins Gully Valley NZTopo50-BQ31 454354
Hawkins Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 444233
Hector Forks Fork NZTopo50-BP33 002673
Hector River Stream NZTopo50-BP33 958658
High Ridge Ridge NZTopo50-BP33 022696
Highbury Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 470273
Holdsworth Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP34 056714
Houghton Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 493214
Houghton Bay Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 495221
Huatokitoki Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 403275
Isabelle Hill NZTopo50-BP33 028728
Isabelle Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 022707
Island Bay Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 483223
Island Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 484213
Jacksons Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 366381
Johnsonville Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 512348
Kahikatea Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 620757
Kahiwiroa Hill NZTopo50-BP33 988735
Kahiwiroa Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP33 972755
Kaiwharawhara Point Point NZTopo50-BP32 594754
Kaiwharawhara Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 602741
Kākānui Hill NZTopo50-BP32 797630
Kapakapanui Hill NZTopo50-BP33 820665
Kapakapanui Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 770731
Kau Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 532278
Kelburn Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 479279
Khandallah Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 500324
Kiakia Place NZTopo50-BQ31 460407
Kilbirnie Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 503245
Kingston Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 476239
Korimako Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ31 476317
Kōurarau Dam Facility NZTopo50-BP34 270475
Kōurarau Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 256497
Kurukōhatu Point Point NZTopo50-BN32 647784
Lake Waitawa Lake NZTopo50-BN33 835896
Lambton Harbour Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 493281
Long Gully Valley NZTopo50-BQ31 438237
Longbush Locality NZTopo50-BQ34 188408
Lyall Bay Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 501233
Lyall Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 505225
Māhanga Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 535271
Mangahuia Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 200441
Mangaone Stream Stream NZTopo50-BN33 804808
Mangapōuri Stream Stream NZTopo50-BN33 808866
Mangawharariki Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 600732
Maraetakaroro Point NZTopo50-BP32 589745
Matarawa Locality NZTopo50-BP34 057529
Maungahuka Hill NZTopo50-BP33 965681
Maungakawa Hill NZTopo50-BP32 708670
Maungakōtukutuku Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 709647
Maunganui Hill NZTopo50-BP32 724626
Maungaraki Hill NZTopo50-BP35 299473
Maupuia Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 524262
Maurioho Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP35 291422
McGregor Hill NZTopo50-BP34 043769
Mclntosh Hill NZTopo50-BP33 950675
Melrose Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 496236
Middle Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 442336
Middle King Hill NZTopo50-BP34 060780
Middle Spur Ridge NZTopo50-BP33 986693
Mill Creek Stream NZTopo50-BQ31 486397
Mill Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 454341
Miramar Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 526249
Mitre Falls Waterfall NZTopo50-BN34 075790
Moa Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 514213
Mornington Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 478244
Mount Adams Hill NZTopo50-BQ35 316224
Mount Cook Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 486261
Mount Crawford Hill NZTopo50-BN33 988787
Mount Crawford Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 531269
Mount Dick Lookout Place NZTopo50-BP34 048577
Mount Holdsworth Hill NZTopo50-BP33 037725
Mount Victoria Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 504268
Mount Victoria Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 495268
Muaupoko Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 720702
Muir Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 988693
Newlands Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 525344
Newtown Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 490249
Ngaio Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 486319
Ngātoko Stream Stream NZTopo50-BN32 787860
North King Hill NZTopo50-BN34 060784
Northland Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 474287
Ōkupe Lagoon Lake NZTopo50-BN32 643786
Onepoto Bay NZTopo50-BN32 617787
Ōpau Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 412346
Ōpau Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ31 415333
Oriental Bay Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 502273
Oriental Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 502275
Oumukura Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 374299
Outlook Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 378254
Pakihore Ridge Range NZTopo50-BP33 944700
Palmer Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 526218
Palmer Head Point NZTopo50-BQ31 523214
Papakirae Hill NZTopo50-BP32 729696
Park Forks Place NZTopo50-BN33 018796
Park River Stream NZTopo50-BN33 018829
Park Valley Valley NZTopo50-BN33 033857
Parkvale Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 154555
Pawa Hill NZTopo50-BQ34 272391
Peggys Peak Hill NZTopo50-BN34 073805
Pig Flat Flat NZTopo50-BP34 051699
Pinnacle Hill NZTopo50-BP34 085713
Pinnacle Ridge Range NZTopo50-BP34 076737
Pinnacle Spur Ridge NZTopo50-BN34 063846
Pōhatu Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP35 322549
Point Dorset Point NZTopo50-BQ31 538229
Point Gordon Point NZTopo50-BQ31 538268
Point Halswell Point NZTopo50-BQ31 529281
Point Jerningham Point NZTopo50-BQ31 510279
Ponatahi Locality NZTopo50-BP34 159465
Popes Hill Hill NZTopo50-BP34 111670
Poroporo Hill NZTopo50-BP34 280525
Princess Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 496214
Pukemangamanga Hill NZTopo50-BQ34 233417
Pukeroro Hill NZTopo50-BQ35 414318
Puketoro Hill NZTopo50-BN33 011830
Quartz Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 417320
Rangatira Point Point NZTopo50-BP32 631758
Ranger Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 527219
Rangiuru Stream Stream NZTopo50-BN32 787868
Raumati South Town NZTopo50-BP32 665664
Reef Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 527221
Ringawhati Hill NZTopo50-BN33 865829
Rocky Lookout Place NZTopo50-BP34 067691
Rocky Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP33 021606
Rongotai Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 510238
Roseneath Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 508273
Ruakiwi Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP35 296447
Ruaruahanga Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP35 307541
Sayer Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 023641
Scorching Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 536265
Seatoun Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 533238
Shark Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 521261
Sheep Gully Valley NZTopo50-BQ31 403320
Shelly Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 524268
Shingle Slip Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 024762
Silver Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ31 442244
Simpson Hill NZTopo50-BP33 969697
Smiths Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 439363
Smiths Gully Valley NZTopo50-BQ31 453383
Snapper Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 512269
South King Hill NZTopo50-BP34 057776
South Mitre Stream Stream NZTopo50-BN34 078786
Southgate Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 491223
Strathmore Park Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 524229
Sullivans Creek Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 446353
Table Ridge Ridge NZTopo50-BN34 070821
Taepiro Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 612752
Taipō Minor Hill NZTopo50-BQ35 328333
Taputeranga Island Island NZTopo50-BQ31 484209
Tarahanga Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP33 958667
Tararua Peaks Range NZTopo50-BP33 961680
Tararua Range Range NZTopo50-BN33 008828
Tarn Ridge Ridge NZTopo50-BN34 049830
Tawa Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 531409
Te Horo Locality NZTopo50-BN32 791814
Te Horo Beach Locality NZTopo50-BN32 759821
Te Oneroa Bay NZTopo50-BP32 612772
Te Rere Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 625765
Te Whanga Locality NZTopo50-BP35 300535
Te Whanga Hill NZTopo50-BP34 274544
Te Wharau Locality NZTopo50-BQ35 375375
The Crows Nest Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 475327
The Sirens Rocks Rock NZTopo50-BQ31 476210
The Three Kings Peaks NZTopo50-BP34 059779
Thompson Hill NZTopo50-BN34 042848
Thompson Creek Stream NZTopo50-BN33 034850
Thorndon Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 486292
Tikiwhakairo Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP35 303427
Tirotiro Knob Hill NZTopo50-BP33 895695
Tokaiti Point Point NZTopo50-BN32 640792
Tongue Point Point NZTopo50-BQ31 389220
Tōtara Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 035676
Tōtara Lagoon Lake NZTopo50-BP32 720752
Vogeltown Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 481249
Vosseler Hill NZTopo50-BP33 935667
Wadestown Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 487307
Waiariki Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ31 392251
Waikanae Town NZTopo50-BP32 741729
Waikanae Beach Town NZTopo50-BP32 708742
Waikanae River Stream NZTopo50-BP32 763705
Waikoukou Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ34 195374
Waimeha Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 714741
Waingongoro Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP34 280511
Wainui Hill NZTopo50-BP32 664580
Wainui Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 662606
Waiohine Hill NZTopo50-BP33 032628
Waipunga Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 312334
Waitewaewae Hill NZTopo50-BN33 941861
Waitewaewae Basin Valley NZTopo50-BN33 941813
Waitewaewae Ōtaki Forks Place NZTopo50-BN33 946784
Weka Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 511270
Wellington City NZTopo50-BQ31 488280
Wharehou Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 429357
Wharekohu Bay Bay NZTopo50-BP32 587718
Wharekohu Point Point NZTopo50-BP32 589718
Wharekohu Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 584728
Wharemauku Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 690678
Whareroa Stream Stream NZTopo50-BP32 665644
Whatipu Stream Stream NZTopo50-BQ35 396271
Whatiuru Creek Stream NZTopo50-BP33 954708
White Rock Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 407300
Wilton Suburb NZTopo50-BQ31 473300
Worser Bay Bay NZTopo50-BQ31 533245
Wright Hill Hill NZTopo50-BQ31 455267
Yeates Hill NZTopo50-BP33 945669

Dated at Wellington this 16th day of July 2020.

W. K. SHAW, Secretary, New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.