Notice Title

Notice of Confirmation of Intention to Take Land and a Restrictive Covenant for Railway Purposes for the City Rail Link Project—235 Symonds Street, Newton, Auckland

Publication Date
2 Jun 2020


Other Councils Public Works Act Auckland

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  1. Notice is hereby given that the Auckland Council Confirms its intention under section 23(4)(b) of the Public Works Act 1981, to take the land described in the First Schedule (“Railway Land”) and a restrictive covenant (“Covenant”) over the land described in the Second Schedule (“Covenant Area”) to the Notice of Intention to Take dated 9 April 2019.
  2. The Notice of Intention to Take was published in the New Zealand Gazette, 24 April 2019, Notice No. 2019-ln1937 and noted against Record of Title NA875/250.
  3. The interest in the land has not yet been taken.
  4. The owner of the Railway Land and the land that is subject to the proposed Covenant and those persons with a registered interest in that land have been served with notice of the Auckland Council’s Confirmation of Intention to Take the Railway Land and Covenant.
  5. Following the serving of this Confirmation of Notice of Intention, a Proclamation taking the land and restrictive covenant must be published in the New Zealand Gazette on or before two years after the date of such Confirmation.

The Railway Land and Covenant Area are located at 235 Symonds Street, Newton, Auckland.

Dated at Auckland this 30th day of March 2020.

STEPHEN MICHAEL TOWN, Chief Executive, Auckland Council.