Notice Type
Notice Title

Notice of Payment into Victims’ Claims Trust Account

Take notice that, pursuant to part 2 of the Prisoners’ and Victims’ Claims Act 2005, compensation awarded to Rawiri David Wereta is required to be paid to the Secretary for Justice, and the surplus after deductions is to be held in Trust on behalf of Rawiri David Wereta.

And that on 28 February 2020, $1,000.00 was paid into the Victims’ Claims Trust Account on behalf of Rawiri David Wereta. This money must be held in the Trust Account to enable any victims of Rawiri David Wereta to make claims against it.

Any person that has been a victim of Rawiri David Wereta, in respect of an offence for which Rawiri David Wereta was convicted in a Court of New Zealand, is entitled to make a claim against the money held in the Trust Account on behalf of Rawiri David Wereta. Claims by victims are not limited to the amount available in the Trust Account.

Claim forms, and information on how to make a claim, may be obtained from: The Secretary, Victims’ Special Claims Tribunal, DX SX11159, Wellington 6011. Phone: (04) 462 6660. Fax: ( 04) 462 6686.

All claims must be filed on or before Monday 7 September 2020.