Notice Title

Farm Debt Mediator Competencies (Notice No. MPI 1116)

Publication Date
11 Feb 2020


Notices Primary Industries Farm Debt Mediation Act

Notice Number

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Pursuant to section 49(1)(d) of the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2019, the Chief Executive of the Ministry for Primary Industries gives notice of the issuing of the qualifications and competencies a farm debt mediator must demonstrate to be an authorised Farm Debt Mediator in accordance with the Farm Debt Mediation Act 2019.

The qualifications and competencies a farm debt mediator must demonstrate to be an authorised Farm Debt Mediator is available on the Ministry for Primary Industries website ( and comes into force 13 February 2020.

Dated at Wellington this 9th day of February 2020.

RAY SMITH, Chief Executive, Ministry for Primary Industries.