A revocation to this notice was published on 1 August 2022, Notice No. 2022-go3100.

Notice Title

Corrigendum—Radiocommunications Regulations (General User Radio License for Short Range Devices) Notice 2020

In the notice with the above title, published in the New Zealand Gazette, 6 November 2020, Notice No. 2020-go5045:

1. Change title of Notice to “Radiocommunications Regulations (General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices) Notice 2020”.

2. In clause 2(3), replace the licence number with 280730.

3. In clause 5, replace special condition 8 paragraph with

“Use is limited to wireless power transfer systems and induction loop systems used for the detection of foreign objects.”

4. In clause 5, replace special condition 21 paragraph with

“In the band 0.1485 – 30 MHz, the magnetic field strength from devices must not exceed -15 dBμA/m measured in a 10 kHz bandwidth at a distance of 10 metres, and the magnetic field strength must also not exceed -15.5 dBμA/m while within the frequency range 0.521-1.612 MHz. Users should not operate these devices within 3 metres of an AM radio receiver intended for the reception of AM radio broadcasts within the frequency range 0.521 – 1.612 MHz.”

5. In the Explanatory Note, replace paragraph a. with

“a new provision to permit the use of the frequency range 0.1485 – 30 MHz for wireless power transfer systems and induction loop systems used for the detection of foreign objects.”

Issued at Wellington this 26th day of November 2020.

FADIA MUDAFAR, National Manager, Radio Spectrum Management, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.